The April 15th (current) Watchtower. Could it be more blasphemous?

by Slidin Fast 35 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    I take your point nic but I am using the word blasphemy to describe the WTs position using their own knowledge and claimed beliefs.

    If they live by bible standards then they should pray for fogiveness now, confess their sins and ask for mercy. Perhaps they should find a priest.

    Whether the bible is just bo@/lcks or not this stuff just shows them up. I think that self-flagelation followed by bathing in battery acid should start the process

    of repentance. But I would hate to be judgemental.

  • designs

    The modern GB think they're like Moses. The old Bible Students thought they were the composite Christ. Christians of most persuasion think they'll be mini-gods, immortal.

    Like they say on Sesame Street 'Everybody is Special'

  • ballistic

    I never forget in the book Revelation grand climax, how the gov body were protaryed in the Bible Revelations at that time they were imprisoned and how it applied to them. And was it Rutherford who died wrapped and with his arms crossed and even as a witness I couldn't believe how haughty and full of themselves these mere men were.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    I had the pleasure of sitting through a talk yesterday that discussed Abraham being asked by God to leave his luxurious live in Ur to live in tents. Application? As soon as the FDS tell us what to do JUMP! We get so used to it we hardly notice.

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Man may not be able to walk on water, but he can on custard...well, RUN over custard....dense. If he runs fast enough and the custard is deep enough. Wouldnt have believed it if I hadnt seen it!

  • serenitynow!
    I had the pleasure of sitting through a talk yesterday that discussed Abraham being asked by God to leave his luxurious live in Ur to live in tents. Application? As soon as the FDS tell us what to do JUMP!

    Of course, they ignore the fact that Abraham was also able to question God. Something that the GB does not allow! That is what makes them blasphemous to me- they demand of JWs something that even God doesn't, unquestioning obedience.

  • jwfacts

    How do they claim their guidance is the same as when Moses guided the Israelites through observing a pillar of cloud, when there is no visible direction in our day? The comparison falls short, as all the Israelites were able to see the pillar of cloud, yet no one sees the manner in which Jehovah directs the Governing Body.

  • serenitynow!
    How do they claim their guidance is the same as when Moses guided the Israelites through observing a pillar of cloud, when there is no visible direction in our day?

    Oh didn't you know, the preaching work is the evidence of the the GBs direction by Jehovah. That's what my mom told me anyway.

  • hamsterbait

    Nicoulaou -

    You are absolutely right of course.

    Buddha walked on water, as did various avatars and demons in the Mahabaratha.

    Even the so called "Wisdom" of Solomon is repeated in other cultures far earlier than the Babble.


  • WontLeave

    They're close! The Pharisees sat themselves on the seat of Moses, and Jesus had nothing good to say about that, so that can't be right. There's no clear, perfect direction or evidence, so they're not the pillar of cloud/fire. Aaron had the urim and thummin to help him make decisions, so they can't be him, since their decisions are all over the place and don't make sense. But something in that ballpark is definitely closer... I'm thinking the ancient Jewish equivalent of the Governing Body is either Korah or the golden calf. I'm still torn as to which. Maybe the GB is Korah and the Watchtower organization is the golden calf.

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