The April 15th (current) Watchtower. Could it be more blasphemous?

by Slidin Fast 35 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mrquik

    Thanks for the post, slidin. If nothing else, it reinforces our confidence that this is nothing more than a man made cult. One that is indeed dangerous and needs to be exposed. Having people believe that you speak for God himself has just too much potential for damage as they have aptly demonstrated over the century. Reminds me of that scene in "Conan the Barbarian" where James Earl Jones as the high priest motions the follower on the ledge to jump to her death. "That's real power" he says. The GB must have seen this flick.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I think before we go bashing Jesus for anything he said or did, lets remember that WE DON'T KNOW anything he said or did for certain. I think it is pretty apparent from the stories written about him that he was probably a pretty good guy that didn't put on airs like his followers did, and do. I don't know this but it's the impression I get.

  • Snoozy
    They'll be in business as long as they have idiots people that believe them.

    Some of them may be our loved ones..and it was us at one time..I don't feel either of us could be classed as Idiots..


  • KatP

    They don't realize that they have become just like the world, followers of men. Nowhere in the Scriptures has Jehovah required his people to put their full confidence in any man. (Ps. 146:3,4; Jer. 17:5; Ro. 3:4)

    The GB likes to compare themselves to Moses, and that Jehovah required the people to listen to him and obey him; and most of the brothers in the congregations accept that. But Moses did not picture any governing body. He pictured Jesus, the greater Moses. (Heb. 1:1,2; 3:2-6) In wanting to compare themselves to Moses they have become just like Korah, Dathan and Abiram, who also persuaded others to follow them. But their end will be the same as those earlier rebels.

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    I think serenitynow made an excellent point, it reminded me that Job even questioned Jehovahs standards, and he was merely put in his place mildly and almost with a hint of humour, i.e "And where were you when I created the earth?", lol. He wasn't destroyed. But nobody can question the GB without being df'd. And, as one elder I once spoke to put it, "disfellowshipping is basically a death sentence, but we don't use stones today"..

  • JamesWHudson

    It would be great for a reality show! LOL

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