To the Houshold of God, Israel... and those who go with...
by AGuest 121 Replies latest jw friends
Black Sheep
To the Houshold of God, Israel... and those who go with...
Not for me then.....
To the Household of God, Israel , and all who go with… may you all have peace!
Every so often I get a PM or email that asks serious and sincere questions. Although I have been permitted to share the answers to similar questions over the years, the cycles of the Board sometimes call for me to do so again. Sometimes, our Lord directs me to. This weekend I received a couple/few questions that were sincere and so should be responded to.
Rather than respond individually, however, I am compelled to do it in one thread because some questions cross-over one another and all who contacted me seem to want answers to similar issues. So, in order not to mistakenly miss anyone, I will do this one thread and respond with the things our Lord has told me, shown me, and taught me. Note, although there are a plethora of scriptures/verses to support these things, I will only include the ones you and others are most familiar with, for the sake of those who need to see these things in the writings.
1. How do you get baptized properly?
That would depend on (a) which “baptism” you’re speaking of, and (b) whether you are of (1) Israel (literally of Abraham’s seed, of all 12 tribes, or a convert to Judaism – which was only 2 tribes: Judah and Benjamin)… or (2) the nations (excluding the 10 tribe kingdom of Israel ).
If you are of the first, it would be proper to undergo water baptism (John’s baptism). This is to symbolize your “repentance” for having transgressed the Law Covenant (“Moses”) that you were either born under… or chose to be bound by. If you are of the nations (i.e., never under the Law Covenant), then water baptism is not required of you. You can, of course, do it, but it’s not required.
Regardless of which of these you fall under, however, there is also the baptism “by holy spirit and fire”… which is done by Christ… and NOT with physical water (H2O), but with “living water”… holy spirit. Unlike water baptism, though, one cannot choose this baptism; it is entirely his choice.
Matthew 3:5, 6, 11
John 4:10-14; John 15:16
Acts 10:44, 48; 19:1-7
2. By whom? Who qualifies to baptize another?
Per our Lord, by anyone with faith IN the baptism… which does NOT mean faith in a religion. In fact, it cannot (and I will explain that later)… because one is not being baptized into a religion or denomination, but into Christ. It would help if the baptizer KNOWS Christ, but it is not required. What is required… is faith. In Christ and that baptism symbolically demonstrates HIS ability to cleanse the flesh of sin.
3. What is said when it is happening?
Certainly not, “I baptize you in the name of the Father… and of the Son… and of the Holy Spirit.” Do you know how we can KNOW this? For several reasons. First, because John (the Baptizer) didn’t baptize such, nor did Philip, nor did Peter, nor did Paul or others. These words are an erroneous translation of certain men/scribes who wanted to push the false trinity doctrine. But they are not the words of our Lord. What HE said, at that time, was, “Go, baptizing them… in the name of the Father… INTO the Son… in/with holy spirit.” Which is why he GAVE them (his disciples) holy spirit: so that THEY could go and BAPTIZE… WITH HOLY SPIRIT (and “fire”) those to whom he DIRECTED them. Like Cornelius and his household.
They could do this because, when he blew holy spirit ON them, they received that spirit INTO themselves (the same occurred in the upper room at Pentecost, which is why the people “heard a noise like a stiff rushing wind” – someone was BLOWING on them. It is also why flames appeared above their heads: the “shekinah” flame that led Israel through the wilderness by night (and was a cloud by day)… which represented the spirit of God… and filled the Most Holy of the tabernacle and temple… was not manifest in THEM. God’s spirit was in THEM, by means of having received it from Christ… so that now the flame manifested, above their heads. Because THEY were now the temple of God ).
As such, these now had authority to forgive sins! Which is what baptism symbolizes: the cleansing and removal of SIN. Which is done… through forgiveness.
John 20:22
Acts 2:1-4
Exodus 40:36-38
Acts 8:26; 10:9
Acts 3:4-6
Luke 5:18-20
Second, we know it because… “the Holy Spirit”… has no name. Because “The Holy Spirit” isn’t a name; it’s a designation. The Spirit… that is The HOLY Spirit (vs. God’s holy spirit). I won’t go into this here, however, because it is beyond the scope of this post AND … will simply incite others to take issue and argue. But our Lord is the only HOLY Spirit, dear ones, besides the Father. No other spirit is deemed “holy”. Not any angel, arkangel, living creature, 24 elders, etc. NO ONE . Except the Holy One… and MOST Holy One (Rev. 4:8)… of Israel .
John 20:22
Acts 19:1-7
2 Corinthians 3:17
Psalm 16:10; 89:18
Luke 4:34
Acts 13:35
Exodus 26:33
Leviticus 21:22
Mark 5:7
Hebrews 7:1
3. How is one “activated”? Through baptism?
Not water baptism, no. Through baptism with holy spirit, yes, because that is the “activating” force, the LIFE force… that takes one from death… to life. It is the force that “conceives” one as a “new creation”… in preparation to be born… again. As a spirit being. Since the life is in the blood, and holy spirit is God’s blood… one “comes alive” as it were.
4. How does one pray properly?
First, alone… in private (which includes with one’s mate, because the two are “one”). Then, by asking for those things that pertain to the Father FIRST (and sometimes solely). For HIS name to be cleansed, sanctified, held holy. For HIS kingdom to be established (which is accomplished by the completion of the gathering of the chosen ones… so that NEW Jerusalem is complete and ready for Him to occupy… by spirit)… and HIS will to be done on earth (which it will be, through New Jerusalem, the “temple” of spirit people), which will is now done in the spirit realm. For the “manna” from heaven (the “daily bread”). For forgiveness of our sins. And protection from being led into temptation, while granting us deliverance of the Adversary.
Matthew 6:5-13
Ephesians 2:19-21
AFTER that one can ask for what one needs (if indeed, there really is anything because one’s needs are already known… and taken care of)… if one hasn’t fallen asleep! One might remember, however, that one’s own needs have been guaranteed. What are those needs? Sustenance (food and health), clothing, and shelter. That really IS all we NEED. Everything else… is a want. Can one ask for wants? One certainly can; however, one is not promised wants, but needs, and so one should keep that in mind. True, one may think one needs a new 300Z… but one really doesn’t. The promise is for a torture tree/pole, not a rose garden… or a mansion in the middle of it.
One can (and should) also pray with one’s child(ren) so as to teach THEM how to pray; however, it would be about the child’s prayer, not the parent’s… which, again, should be done in private.
NOTE, however, that praying… is NOT the same as giving thanks. THAT (giving thanks) can always be done, publicly or privately, no matter the circumstances. Should one make a huge deal of giving thanks… so as to be seen by others as “spiritual” or “righteous”. What is the point in that? One is not praying to God under such circumstances, but trying to impress man… so one’s oration is impotent and of no value. It is empty.
4. What do you have to do to be a legitimate follower of the christ?
Love him. And one shows they love him… by obeying him. NOT in the sense of a slave and master, but in the sense of a child who loves and respects a father. There is NO pain in such obedience, truly. One obeys him when one obeys his commandments, which are not burdensome. One is to have love for one another. Another is to do to others as you wish them to do to you. Another is stop judging. Another, go forgiving, releasing, showing mercy. Another, to eat his flesh and drink his blood… and KEEP doing it in remembrance of him. Another is to wash one another’s feet. Some try to get around this by saying it’s not necessary, that he meant it symbolically. I believed that, too, once. And then he told me that “He that is faithful in what is LEAST… is faithful… in MUCH.” So, there went the excuses for that one. There are a few others, but they are not like those under the Law Covenant.
It can all be summed up, though, in his words at John 14:23, 24:
“[Jesus] answered and said to him, "If anyone loves Me,he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father's who sent Me.”
5. Are the elect chosen or can you become one?
They are chosen. Actually, they were chosen before the throwing down of the seed (of the woman). They become MANIFEST, however, by means of their “works”… including obedience to Christ’s voice. It is by means of hearing… and following HIS voice… that they “come out”, per se. Out of enslavement… and out as in revealed… not to the physical world, but the spirit world. Which is why they then become targets.
John 6:44; 15:16; 10:3-5, 27
Revelation 12:17
6. Who can drink of the cup and eat the bread properly?
ANYONE . So long as they discern that it IS the flesh and blood of Christ that they are eating and drinking, and so long as they are “clean” (on the inside – meaning, not judging anyone)… ANYONE can. Male, female, Jew, Greek, slave, freeman, young, old. There is NO LIMITATION on WHO… so long as they understand what they’re doing… and why… and that it BINDS them to a NEW Covenant between them and God. They can even been infants (not babies, but say, as young as 3-5 or so. Samuel was 3 or so when he was given to the temple).
John 6:50, 51, 53-58
John 7:37
Acts 2:39
Matthew 19:13, 14
Acts 1:8
7. You claim that he talks to you.
He does. Primarily through the anointing I received. That is how he talks TO me. How I HEAR is a bit different. First, I LISTEN, so AS to hear (which ALL of us have the capability of doing). Then, I asked him to OPEN UP my ears so that I could hear better… and as a result received the gift of holy spirit that is “discerning” (or hearing) spirits. It is a gift that ANYONE can receive, as they all are. All one needs to do is KEEP seeking, keep ASKING, and keep KNOCKING. For me, the more I listened… and put FAITH in what I heard… the more I heard.
John 10:3, 4, 27
Psalm 40:6
Isaiah 50:5
Matthew 17:5
1 Corinthians 12:4, 10
1 John 2:27
8. How can others receive this gift?
Well, I think it starts with the heart, but that isn’t always the case, per se. When it is, though… well, perhaps our Lord’s words to the angel of the congregation in Laodicea can explain it much better for you than I can:
“… you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I am going to vomit you out of my mouth. Because you say: “I am rich and have acquired riches and do not need anything at all,” but you do not know you are miserable and pitiable and poor and blind and naked. I advise you to buy from me gold refined by fire that you may become rich, and white outer garments that you may become dressed and that the shame of your nakedness may not become manifested, and eyesalve to rub in your eyes that you may see.”
In essence, one has to recognize… and acknowledge… that one is lacking. I certainly was, in a great many things. BUT… because I LISTENED… I have received all that he promised, or at least a “token” of such things, by means of an anointing with holy spirit.
9. Is it wrong to go to church?
The answer would be that it depends on what one goes FOR. God does not dwell in handmade temples; He dwells in His people. Nor did He establish another visible organization after removing His spirit from the temple in Jerusalem . If one is going in order to say, attend a wedding or funeral, etc., of a friend or loved one, one is really only attending an event that isn’t actually a ceremony of worship (although “worship” type proceedings may be included. But worship is not the reason one is attending.
If one has been called OUT of religion, however, which is what occurs once one becomes joined to Christ (“he goes through and after he has gotten all of his OUT…) to go back would be once again touching the “unclean thing” and following IT, rather than following HIM (… “HE leads them”).
That is why the vision of the 144,000 on Mt. Zion mentioned that they were virgins and had not “defiled themselves with women.” This isn’t speaking about physical men having physical relations with physical women. It is speaking of SPIRITUAL men… who, after having been washed clean so at to BECOME virgins… didn’t defile themselves with the daughters of Babylon the Great (“the mother of the harlots”). THOSE “women”… harlotous religions “born” of the fornication and adultery between Babylon the Great (apostate anointed)… and the kings of the earth.
BUT… you have to decide for yourself. Keep in mind, though, Christ’s words about who it is that loves him… and who it is that does not (John 14:23, 24).
Revelation 14:4, 5
Revelation 17:1-6
2 Corinthians 6:14-18
2 Corinthians 7:1
10. Should I partake in the bread and wine?
IMHO, absolutely; however, only you know if you’ve actually the discerned the body and blood of Christ… and done what you could to cleanse the “inside” of your “cup.” You cannot live forever, however, if you don’t. You may be resurrected (if you die), but I cannot say that it will be to life. Yet, the Most Holy One of Israel shows mercy to whomever HE wishes to show it. That it will be shown without the “covering” of Christ, however, is highly unlikely. Possible, yes, because with God all things are possible. Likely, though, is another story altogether.
John 6:51, 53
John 5:28, 29
John 11:25
I hope this helps, dear ones, particularly those who you who asked. It has been my privilege, of course; however, you can always exercise faith… and ask these same things yourself. If you can’t hear an answer, ASK… for ears so as to hear. But keep in mind, it won’t be some loud booming voice from the sky.
Our Lord is not loud and boisterous like Babylon the Great… and her daughters (religion):
“A woman of stupidity is boisterous. She is simplemindedness itself and has come to know nothing whatever. And she has seated herself at the entrance of her house, upon a seat, [in] the high places of the town, to call out to those passing along the way, those who are going straight ahead on their paths: “Whoever is inexperienced, let him turn aside here.” And whoever is in want of heart—she has also said to him: “Stolen waters themselves are sweet, and bread [eaten] in secrecy—it is pleasant.” But he has not come to know that those impotent in death are there, that those called in by her are in the low places of She´ol.”
Proverbs 9:13-18
Rather, he speaks in a [very] LOW voice…
“To YOU, O men, I am calling, and my voice is to the sons of men. O inexperienced ones, understand shrewdness; and YOU stupid ones, understand heart. Listen, for it is about the foremost things that I speak, and the opening of my lips is about uprightness. For my palate in low tones utters truth itself; and wickedness is something detestable to my lips. All the sayings of my mouth are in righteousness. Among them there is nothing twisted or crooked. All of them are straight to the discerning one, and upright to the ones finding knowledge. TAKE my discipline and not silver, and knowledge rather than choice gold.”
Proverbs 8:4-10
and in truth…
“True wisdom has built his house; he has hewn out its seven pillars. He has organized its meat slaughtering; he has mixed his wine; more than that, he has set in order its table. He has sent forth his lady attendants, that he may call out on top of the heights of the town: “Whoever is inexperienced, let him turn aside here.” Whoever is in want of heart— he has said to him: “Come, feed yourselves with my bread and share in drinking the wine that I have mixed. Leave the inexperienced ones and keep living, and walk straight in the way of understanding.”
Proverbs 9:1-6
HE is the One that has gone… to prepare a place for us. HE is the One building the temple of God . HE is the One preparing a table for us to recline at. And it is HIS bread (flesh) and wine (blood)… that has been mixed for us.
Again, I bid you all peace, and may any of you who so wish it be granted ears to hear, if you have not already, when the Spirit and the Bride say to YOU:
“Come! Take ‘life’s water’… FREE !”
Your AND your entire household!
YOUR servant, as I am servant to ALL those of the Household of God , Israel , and ALL those who go with… and your fellow slave of Christ,
Another brainfart. All that methane is gonna cause the globe to warm up.
Thank you.
Thank you Shel. (The greatest love and peace to you)
Peace my sister.
Black Sheep
That was very long ........... I knew it wasn't for me
3. What is said when it is happening?
Certainly not, “I baptize you in the name of the Father… and of the Son… and of the Holy Spirit.” Do you know how we can KNOW this? For several reasons. First, because John (the Baptizer) didn’t baptize such, nor did Philip, nor did Peter, nor did Paul or others. These words are an erroneous translation of certain men/scribes who wanted to push the false trinity doctrine. But they are not the words of our Lord. What HE said, at that time, was, “Go, baptizing them… in the name of the Father… INTO the Son… in/with holy spirit.” Which is why he GAVE them (his disciples) holy spirit: so that THEY could go and BAPTIZE… WITH HOLY SPIRIT (and “fire”) those to whom he DIRECTED them. Like Cornelius and his household.
To those who call ''bullshit'' and put those little yawning faces on here.... Why did you read this post?? It clearly says in the title ''To the household of God, Israel, and those who go with her''... In the op this post was in respone to those who had asked these questions.
If you haven't anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.