Another question for Aguest...
Do you channel with your particular 'Lord' or does he/she send you an email, exactly how do you correspond with him/her?
by AGuest 121 Replies latest jw friends
Another question for Aguest...
Do you channel with your particular 'Lord' or does he/she send you an email, exactly how do you correspond with him/her?
Who gives you authority to speak to people as though they are inferior and you have an exclusive conduit to God?
I don't think Shelby has ever claimed exclusivity. In fact, she regularly invites others to listen to God in the same way she does.
Then again, it may be highly possible that Aguest can't provide any evidence to support his/her claims.
There isn't any evidence. It is a matter of faith in personal revelation. If you can't buy that, then don't. I don't think being mean is going to be very productive though.
A Guest poses nonsense to me. It is worse than the JW literature. She assumes prophetic or otherwise channeling God. Yet her posts have no coherent sense. Faith, however, need not have reason. One person's powerful Paul may be another person's schizoprehnia. It is clear where on the spectrum I believe they fit.
This nonsense writing and cupidity triggers me deeply. I am bringing something to the table on my own. Truly , it is worse than the Witnesses. The constant preaching and the tone of having the only insight to God is repulsive to me. Nothing here bothers me as much. The birthers don't come close. The antiObama posts showing him as a monkey or Nazi don't bother me in comparison.
This is utter junk. It is as though a schizoprehnia is psychotic and no one says anything. Rather than acknowledge something, we start to wonder if we are cracked. I fail to see the point. A kindergarten kid can leaf through the Bible and do the same.
My words are strong. I wish I could tone them down. The chaos of thought appals me. Yes, something is on fire inside me.
She assumes prophetic or otherwise channeling God.
Shel doesn't claim to speak to God.... She speaks to His Son Jaheshua. Nor is speaking to the son exclusive. He speaks to everyone, it's just that most people need to open their ''spiritual'' ears to hear.
Truly , it is worse than the Witnesses.
Nothing is worse than the witnesses.
The constant preaching and the tone of having the only insight to God is repulsive to me.
Shelby has NEVER stated that she has the only insight. There are many on this board that ''hear''... I hear very well, but I have no desire to ''teach''. That's not to say I haven't been taught many things, because I have.
Shel doesn't claim to speak to God.... She speaks to His Son Jaheshua
The woman has schizophrenic tendancies. The fact that everyone mollycoddles her is amazing. The woman needs help and she needs encouragement to seek it, but all you do (apart from Honesty and BOTR) is tell her she's ok.
Mad and Watersprout said things better than I could have.
Shelby does not claim exclusivity. Nor is she the only poster on this board who 'hears'. She does not ask that any follow her. She shares what she hears. Do with that what you will.
BP - if she needed help, she has a husband, family, co-workers, and in-person friends to encourage her to seek it. The fact that none of them do is kind of telling, in that she does not need that kind of help.
Shelby, as well as what she shares, has helped me a great deal in my personal life and in my faith. In my faith, to help me to open up to our Lord, and listen. In my personal life... well, that would be personal. She has helped and supported me on the board and behind the scenes. I'm not mollycoddling her at all. I believe her. I don't follow her, mind you. I will follow what I hear myself. But I listen to what she has to say, and then think about and ask about those things myself. Often, I 'hear/feel/discern' the same.
Peace to you,
I don't really defend Shel, she doesn't need my help, LOL !
I don't always agree with Shel but I always understand her tremedous love for Our Lord and for sharing That Love with all of Us.
I want to make it clear that ALL Christians are unique, spiritual, loving people and as such, no two Christians will experience Our Lord the same way or express Our Lord the same way.
This is not new, as those that have studied the bible in its many forms know, even in the OT there were "differences of interpretation" and that was the same with the NT, perhaps more so since things became even MORE "personal and initmate" and it became about the individual and not about the group.
Paul is a perfect example, the way he saw things and the way he expressed them were, at times, at odds with the other apostles and sometimes he was right and other times he was wrong, In his 2nd letter, Peter himself, calling Paul his bother, mentions that some of the things He says are hard to understand and are used by others to creat strife.
There is nothing wrong with that, YOU are no longer under the WT that controlled and manipulted YOUR life to comform to ONE view, you are living and free to test and absorbe MANY views and find the one that brings you closer to Christ.
People need to open their hearts and minds to the WORD of God and allow THAT WORD to lead them to where HE leads.
If you disagree with Shel, tell us WHY you do and WHAT you base that on, but insulting and deaming behaviour is just a sign of a weak intellect.
We ALL can do better than that.
Self dilusion doesn't stop for some when they leave the JWs, and its sure evident in those of the Religious bent......
If you disagree with Shel, tell us WHY you do and WHAT you base that on, but insulting and deaming behaviour is just a sign of a weak intellect.
I think I have said why I disagree with Shel and her ramblings. She claims to get messages from Jesus and posts rambling messages. It's a clear sign of mental disturbance. I am not being nasty, just stating the obvious. Unfortunately, too many seem to want to ignore her while she's rocking in the corner laughing to herself.
Well, quite a bit to respond to respond to (may you all have peace!). Golly, where do I start? I guess with dear BOTR and BP (my wish for peace remains toward you both!).
Dear BOTR, I can see why you might be here: curiosity. You will note, though, that my thread was specifically directed to a specific audience: the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with. I am wondering, did that address call to you? If not, why would you even bother to open a thread that did not? Because you were curious? Why? Since I'm "insane"... why in the WORLD would you even want to know what an "insane" person has to say... about ANYTHING? Perhaps, though, your curiosity was accompanied by a bit of fear... that I just MIGHT have something to say that would "ring true" with you... and so you just HAD to "check"?
Also, I don’t know Greek at all, per se (although I do realize that you consider yourself an “expert” in Koine Greek, which is wonderful!), other than what my Lord tells me. My Lord does, though (although it was not his first language… or even his second… or third), and so I can only go by what HE says the words mean. Praise JAH, though – the backup for what HE says the words mean is out there and one doesn’t have to BE an expert to get the truth of what he states. One really only needs to know their ABCs and a little word/reading comprehension. Take a look and you’ll see for yourself. My Lord directs me to ask, though, why you didn’t use your “expertise” to refute what I shared that he said was TRUE about the words “hagios”, “pnuema”… and since you’re following what I post “archaggelos”?
BP, BP, BP… girl, given your obvious chagrin and… ummmmm… “distate” for me… and pretty much whatever I post… I truly cannot fathom why you would open a thread started by me, at all. What in the WORLD did you think you were going to find, chile? Answer is... you knew. You just couldn't help making your usual snide comments (and that from a poster who takes issues with others for their various forms of ridicule. Your hypocrisy is showing BIG time, chile!).
Funny thing: I remember a few girls like you in high school. Never spoke to them… or they to me… yet, they apparently "hated" my guts (according to what they SAID, per what others said). Somehow, though, they found some reason to be NEAR me. I’d come out of class… there they were. Come around a corner… there they were. Choose a seat on the bleachers… they had to sit a couple/few rows up. Sometimes, even came looking for me, or so it seemed: I would pick a place on the grass to eat my lunch and, lo and behold... they would sit less than 10-25 feet away. Didn't say anything to me... just sat near me. Gave me “ugly” looks, but never said anything to ME – just a lot ABOUT me to others. Then a male friend pointed something out: I would wear an afro... next thing one or two of them would wear afros. I went to bell bottoms... one or two of them went to bell bottoms. I broke out my platforms… one or two… or three…of them... well, you get the picture. Yet, if what others said was true, they "hated" me. Took me awhile to believe my male friend, but I eventually saw and learned that he was right. And that jealousy (which is what HE said was going on) is not necessarily hatred (although some might equate the two). He told me that I should be flattered… that their “problem” was that they were “upset” that they hadn’t thought of/done certain things FIRST… but wished they had “what I had.” I felt really sorry for them after that. I would have befriended them… and shared whatever it is they wanted from me… but they could lower their… ummmm… “self-righteousness” to allow it. I believe we all lost out as a result.
BUT, dear ladies, there really is NO reason for you to fear... or be jealous; I am nothing but a good-for-nothing servant. There is nothing I can do to YOU... or anyone else. I post what I do here because (1) my Lord permits and sometimes directs me to do so, (2) there are those who WANT to hear it, as well as GET it... EVEN some who are NOT of "Israel", and (3) Simon and company... and the law... allow it. Just as they do for YOU… in spite of the fact that most times no one has a CLUE as to what YOU’RE on about. Or why.
Perhaps you don’t realize it, but you’re really only allowing yourselves to play the “mean” girls, here. If you DO realize, perhaps even WANT to, then, please, by all means, go ahead. You’re not offending ME, really. But neither of you wear it well, IMHO. Rather, you really just paint a picture of malcontent harpies who not only are dissatisfied with your own lot in life, but resent that of anyone else who might have something going on for them. Even if it’s being nothing more than a servant. You might want to consider, therefore, “covering up” a little. You know, “clothing” yourselves just a tad more, as Paul suggested? Because all of your “girliness” is hanging out… and it ain’t very pretty.
Okay, need to move on, now, as others have comments to be addressed.
Again, I bid you both peace… and, of course, ears, if you wish them… to hear when the Spirit and the Bride say to YOU:
“Come! Take ‘life’s water’… FREE!”
And they will, because niceness isn’t a requirement. So… neither of you have anything to fear… in that regard, at least.
YOUR servant, and a slave of Christ,