Wachtower says 97% of teens masturbate....is it realistic that 100% Witness teens don't?

by Witness 007 47 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    "Young people Ask" book admits 97% of youths masturbate...to put it into perspective, it's like saying 97% of the worlds population own a phone or a T.V!! So is it realistic to believe these Witnesses going thru puberty and teenage years won't on penalty of death?

    I always thought, if nearly 100% of teens do it isn't it normal?

  • sizemik

    7 teen years x 12 months = 84 months. 3% of 84 months = 2.5 months.

    Therefore hypothetically, if 50% of teens didn't become sexually mature until 13 years 5 months that would take up the 3%. If there are some that desist in late teens through becoming sexually active . . . then the 97 % quickly becomes EVERYBODY. The statistics aren't valid I admit . . . but it illustrates that 3% is not much to cum come and go on. Unless the statistic is saying 3% of teens never masturbate at all . . . which means 3% are liars.

    I think the answer would have to be the majority of them at least . . . and yes it is normal . . . more normal than heterosexuality.

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    ................and the other 3% are lying.

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    And if you did masturbate, you were encouraged to go and tell an elder!

    I wonder how many did that.

    And for those who did, how many sleepless nights they had beforehand.

    The Eldership for Dummys manual does state that masturbation is not porneia, so at least you wouldn't be DFd for it.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Correction, the other 3% are lying WITNESS TEENS! "No way I never have!"

  • sizemik

    I'm glad I wasn't a witness in my teens . . . that's a guilt trip youngsters do not need.

  • corpusdei

    Hell, God knows I did. Frequently. Sometimes in the KH bathroom. And occasionally to the picture of the Whore of Babylon.

    And don't look at me like that. It was a lot more entertaining than the talk, and besides, she was a whore so you knew she put out.

  • Dune

    Biology ALWAYS prevails.

  • WTWizard

    I wonder if there is even a reference to back that figure up. Remember, they expect people to stake their very lives on the accuracy of their writings.

  • Heartofaboy

    I used to pray to Jehovah to kill me if I did 'IT' again.............you know.....'manipulate the sex organs to induce flow of semen' as the borg described it in an article written when I was a boy.....mid 60's-ish.

    All this Awake did was pile on the guilt & told us we should tell the elders & damned fool that I was, I did just that.

    I told the cong overseer I needed to see him about something & he arranged a time for me to call round to his house. I was crapping myself as I hid behind the hedge around his front garden trying to pluck up courage to go in. I knew I had to, otherwise I would never be able to please JEHOVAH because of my 'secret sin'..........(even though God knew all about it, so it wasn't that secret, was it?)

    Eventually I numbed my mind & walked to his front door. He welcomed me in & his wife went into the kitchen, though I'm sure she heard what I told him as it was only in the next room. I imagine now I'm older, he had a pretty good idea what was coming as I opened up to him.

    I expected a lot to happen than actually did happened after 'confessing my sin' to an older man appointed by god's holy spirit. It turned out to be a total waste of time as all that was offered were some kind words, offers to work with me in the FS & a promise that he would look out some more information from the borg for me to read.

    He never did find anything else for me read even though I asked him many times.

    The borg has really screwed young minds up over masturbation..........a perfectly NORMAL part of life.

    A valuable lesson was learned though, NEVER RELY ON ELDERS..........AND NEVER RELY ON GOD!


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