LOL @ corpusdei.... so did I......
I would venture to say that 97% of the elders masturbate... the other 3 percent are dead but don't know it yet.....
by Witness 007 47 Replies latest watchtower bible
LOL @ corpusdei.... so did I......
I would venture to say that 97% of the elders masturbate... the other 3 percent are dead but don't know it yet.....
"And don't look at me like that. It was a lot more entertaining than the talk, and besides, she was a whore so you knew she put out."
LMAO @ corpusdei!
I reckon those that don't are the ones who usually end up pregnant, forced to marry and reproved at a very young age. I'm sure those kids are like ticking sex time bombs. That was one of a few teachings I completely disagreed with. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I always thought the counsel on masturbation was purely down to the scripture stating that man shouldn't 'waste his seed upon the Earth' and that the Bible doesn't specifically mention masturbation per se? To me I interpret that as promiscuity - i.e. sowing your proverbial wild oats.
Does anyone know if the Society has mentioned anything about the low teen pregnancy and STD rate in The Netherlands where openly talking about sex is encouraged within families and masturbation is promoted as a healthy and harmless alternative to losing your virginity?
Heartofaboy . . .
Things don't always seem that big a deal to Adults . . . but that's hell of a thing to have to do for a growing kid . . . and a hell of a guilt to have to carry. I'm sorry you went through that . . . it stinks.
K, I'm going to go out on a limb here. Are there any other Witnesses that discovered the joy of National Geographic like I did as a teen? Specifically the great issues with the tribal folks running around naked? There were boobs, and it wasn't obviously porn, so it kind of flew under the radar.
I can't have been the only one to discover that.
hell of a thing to have to do for a growing kid
All flippancy aside, it really is a rough thing. To be told by the people you look to for direction that this urge, one of the strongest drives in biology, is wrong and you're bringing shame on yourself and your Creator if you give into it - to be told that is to create a gap, a schism between your body and your mind. You can't trust your body at a time when most young people are not only going through the normal confusion of puberty, but are also dealing with the added social stigma and confusion of being a Witness.
I know what you mean. I remeber talks about it and feeling uncomfortable.
The other 3% have T-Rex arms.
Does it actually use that number?
yep...your story was my story. We met at the KH, I think he knew what I wanted to talk about, too. He was nice about it. I was SO terribly guilty of this chronic *I* was a Regular Pioneer...and
I was doing "... this vile thing in the last years of this Old System of Things(tm)" , just before Armageddon (early 70's).
Two more confessions and Jehovah just had to watch me.
Things got better tho'...I married someone just as Theocratic as me *sigh*. 3 kids and years later, I lost my mom to "no blood transfusion", then, my faith, then, my family - mostly all dubs.
Today, I have a sweet new life, with my sweet new wife. She had actually studied -- and rejected the JW shit.
We are also both -- happy masturbaters.