I masturbated even after my baptism and I was 28 years old. Not a teenager. And is someone asked, I lied with gall.
Wachtower says 97% of teens masturbate....is it realistic that 100% Witness teens don't?
by Witness 007 47 Replies latest watchtower bible
Once again the society pontificates on a subject which is quite simply never mentioned in the bible. Just like smoking, just like blood transfusion.
(yes, I am aware of the Old Testament story of Onan, but that is quite simply not on the subject of masturbation)
corpusdei: Are there any other Witnesses that discovered the joy of National Geographic like I did as a teen? Specifically the great issues with the tribal folks running around naked? There were boobs, and it wasn't obviously porn, so it kind of flew under the radar.
I remember that, but some of those boobs were....well, more like.... bungee cords that you could swing from.....
I did...with guit. It was quite literally my one guilty pleasure.
I have sometimes wondered if this is the last straw in regard to young Witnesses staying in the 'truth'. Once you set a standard too high, you may suffer the consequences of individuals giving up completely. Godspeed to that.
I wish they would let this topic alone. You know,I read the original youth book,the red one,lol. I was in my pre-teens,and I didn't even know what masturbation or oral sex was until I read it in the youth book
There are so many more issues they need to be concerned about,like why do at least two thirds of born-ins leave.
I must have been a good witness. The first ejaculation I ever had was on my wedding night. Considering the amount of alimony I will pay for the rest of my life, that was an expensive load.
Can they disfellowship you for it? NO?
Does the new testament say a single word about it? NO?
Then why not just shut up about it?
Because they need to insert themselves into the most private moments in order to keep control. A young person already feels embarrassed about changes in their body---it's just sort of a part of growing up---and now the new urges are most likely unexpected with their strength. What better way to gain control than to give them the impression that they are watched and should tell on themselves? Hey, if you can convince people to confess to such a private thing---telling on others will be no problem. It's not about masturbation--it's about control. It's about instilling a constant awareness of the GB in the minds of people. If they squirm during certain parts, then their brains will constantly be thinking about the guilt and the need to lean on the WT for a clean conscience. The WT is the only place to find a clean conscience. You need the WT to be good with God.
The account in the bible had nothing to do with masturbation! It was an issue about brother-in-law marriage---The guy didn't want to get his dead brother's wife pregnant cuz he didn't want to share the inheritence. The bible says absolutely nothing about this. Considering how common it is, you think it would at least mention it. It does not. Oh, so go on principal, right? Well maybe you can argue that point when talking about smoking---cuz it didn't exist in bible times. But frankly if you believe in creation, then be sure of this: Masturbation was created 3 seconds after genitals were created. If you don't believe in creation then this really isn't an issue.
I hate them for the shame they instill in young ones for natural behavior. So much unnecessary stress. I hate them for the shame they put on older ones too.
I actually had a distraught sister "confess" this to me! She saw me as mature for some reason. Well my heart just broke because she was so shamed. I simply told her that my opinion of her had not changed at all and I didn't think she did anything awful I told her it is not even mentioned in the bible and even the society doesn't consider it a disfellowshipping offense. And then I told her I really felt it was a conscience matter. I told her I didn't want her to feel bad anymore. It wasn't necessary. I again assured her that my view of her had not changed and she was a good person.
With my own daughter, I never went over the society's material on masturbation. I found it (the literature not masturbation) disgusting and guilt inducing and I didn't want her carrying that around with her. I was always too liberal for this religion and I'm not sure how I stayed as long as I did.
The society's position is even crazier than what has already been stated, at least it used to be. The "Your Youth" book equates masturbation with homosexuality:
Your Youth (1976) p.39 Chapter 5 Masturbation and Homosexuality
9 Weakly giving in to sexual desires by masturbation will certainly not give you strength when faced with a situation tempting you to commit fornication-or even homosexuality. Just the opposite, it cultivates wrong thinking and wrong desire. In fact, masturbation can lead into homosexuality. In such instances the person, not satisfied with his lonely sexual activity, seeks a partner for mutual sex play.
10 This happens much more frequently than you may realize. Contrary to what many persons think, homosexuals are not born that way, but their homosexual behavior is learned. And often a person gets started when very young by playing with another's sexual parts, and then engaging in homosexual acts. (source www.quotes-watchtower.co.uk/masturbation.html )
As if just feeling guilty wasn't bad enough, they made impressionable young teens question their own sexual orientation!
I had to deal with this nonsense, not as a teenager, but as a young married man of about twenty-two. I had been married for about two years when my wife caught me looking at internet porn (still images via dial-up in those days). She cried and cried. She thought it was so perverted and disgusting. Then, taking her cue from the WTS in all their wisdom, she asked the question "Are you gay?" I am not an effeminate man. I had never given any indication of leanings that direction. Her one reason to ask that was the above quote and others like it from the Watchtower. How sick is that? It ruined my marriage for years to come. She even brought it up in our divorce, even though that was more than ten years after that incident. Their perverted writings wrecked an otherwise happy young marriage.