Australia: Victorian Child Protection Inquiry Hears Evidence Against Watch Tower Society

by AndersonsInfo 80 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Just wanted to clarify, that when I posed the question:

    Is Stephen Unthank the only one submitting information to this Inquiry?

    I meant it in the sense "is Stephen Unthank the only one submitting information on Jehovahs Witnesses and their non-compliance with the WWC Act to this Inquiry?"

    I also caution those reading this thread not to get too excited about this Inquiry. As the official website for the Inquiry states:

    All individuals wishing to provide oral or written information to the Inquiry are reminded that the Inquiry is not a court of law nor is it an investigative authority to examine individual complaints.

    In other words, it is simply an information-gathering exercise. It is good if this helps put child abuse within the JW org in the public spotlight, but the Inquiry itself has no official powers.

  • flipper

    GAYLE- I agree with your statement that elders should NOT be allowed to meet with minor children in a back room asking sexually explicit questions without their parents. I think it shouldn't be allowed PERIOD even WITH parents there. But that's just me. Laws in the United States need to be amped up and enforced to a greater degree when child abuse is involved. Just look at what happened for 18 years in the Phillip & Nancy Garrido case enslaving Jaycee Dugard ! And how the legal system failed to protect her and her daughters ! And the Garrido's HAD JW connections ! We can rest our case. Lots of proof out there that not enough is being dne to protect innocent children

  • sizemik
    In other words, it is simply an information-gathering exercise. It is good if this helps put child abuse within the JW org in the public spotlight, but the Inquiry itself has no official powers.

    That is true BP . . . but the head of the Inquiry is an ex Supreme Court Judge. Any submissions involving illegal or criminal behaviour made at the inquiry would have to be passed on to the appropriate authority to persue as to whether they are substantial at the very least. The Inquiry head seeking this follow up is more likey to get the appropriate response than Steve's lone voice. It's an obligation Hon Phillip Cummins QC cannot possibly avoid I would think. Of course the Inquiry needs to be completed and it's findings published which all takes time.

  • clarity

    Barbara thanks for this information.

    Encouragement to Steven to continue with this.

    The jw children are thoroughly trained to obey. Taught that all the brothers are trustworthy. They believe that elders are special and have authority over them.

    If a jw child were to be abused in any way ... it is doubtful that they would tell, believing that it was something bad that they had done!! We all are used to being shamed quite regularly and told that we should not think too much about ourselves !!

    And yet the jehovah's witnesses say this .......

    "We don't typically work with children, we don't have Sunday schools so that lawdoesn't apply to us."


  • Snoozy

    I think they are losing their voices and losing any respect they may have had in the past regarding the way they handle their business..

    Now it just seems like they want to hide all their mistakes..I don't think they will get away with it much longer..Victoria is just the beginning..

    Trouble is that unless the people do something to stop it child abuse will and is running rampant..

    Is it because of such a relaxed/anything goes/do your own thing society possibly?

    JMO Snoozy

  • NewChapter

    I would think, just the actioning of "judicial committees" that have an authority within the WT organization to take underage children, under 18, that have been baptized, into backrooms, without their parents, and ask personal sexual questions, of where?, how?, and how much? should require a type of governmental licensing restrictions and education. Many JW kids have had to go through a type of emotional abuse in these "jc" meetings. It is socially bizarre.

    Gayle, this is a really good point. I wonder if it was presented just this way, how many authorities would give a little pause. I am a mother to a daughter and I would never have allowed this when she was a minor. It's twisted.

    Edited to clarify that I am a mother, just not of a minor child.

  • blondie

    I do believe that in the elder's manual the elders are told not to be alone with a minor but that a jw parent should be present. (This is the older one; if someone has the newer one, they could check)

    Baptized minors.

    When a baptized minor becomes involved in wrongdoing

    that threatens the cleanness of the congregation, the assigned

    committee should meet with such individual just as

    they would with any other member of the congregation.

    It would be best to meet with the youth and his or her

    Christian parents; the parents have the responsibility to

    raise him and train him.

  • NewChapter

    I wonder what they do if the youth doesn't have a "christian" parent---or if the parents are df'd, or Da'd. OR if they have one parent in and the other opposed and the opposed parent forbids such a circus. Even with a parent present it really is creepy. Until Gayle's post, I hadn't thought of it quite like that. Not that I thought it was okay, she just made me see yet another layer.


  • jgnat

    As a Sunday School teacher in my local church working with children, I am required to undergo regular criminal record checks. We undertake yearly training on what is appropriate and not appropriate when working with children. For instance, when taking a child to the bathroom, we don't go in to the stall alone with the child, and we stand in the open doorway. All rooms have windows in the doors, and a supervisor cruises the hallway. This protects us as much as the children. There is no shadow of impropriety.

    The WT leadership must get their heads out of the sand. Predators seek out trusting organizations where they can get (private) access to children. This includes social clubs, athletic clubs, and yes, churches.

  • nugget

    I hope it is successful the children need protection.

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