A few notes on September 15, 2011 Watchtower, fresh off the presses!

by sd-7 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • inbetween

    very good material for secret apostates, hehee,

    thanks for posting it, we have here not even the August 15th version.

    Then in paragraph 15: "Peter did not fully understand what Jesus said about eating His flesh and drinking His blood. But the apostle relied on God for spiritual enlightenment. When spiritual light on some matter gets brighter, do you try to understand the underlying Scriptural reasons for the adjustment? (Prov. 4:18) The first-century Beroeans received the word "with eagerness of mind, carefully examining the scriptures daily." (Acts 17:11)"

    Thats the very porblem here. By encouraging to study, they only want you to understand and consequently be able to explain to others, whatever teaching they present. Its like saying: Here is the result of our research, now try to find ways to come to the same result. If you come to another result, dump your line of reasoning, because it must be faulty. In this way you never be able to do real research or real thinking. Its rather twisting your mind until it fits to their ideas.

  • wannabefree

    When spiritual light on some matter gets brighter, do you try to understand the underlying Scriptural reasons for the adjustment? (Prov. 4:18) The first-century Beroeans received the word "with eagerness of mind, carefully examining the scriptures daily." (Acts 17:11)"

    This is how it is meant to be understood ....

    When spiritual light on some matter gets brighter, do you try to understand the underlying Scriptural reasons [representatives of the faitful and discreet slave class have been enlightened with] for the adjustment? (Prov. 4:18) The first-century Beroeans [like representatives of the faithful and discreet slave class in modern times] received the word "with eagerness of mind, carefully examining the scriptures daily."

    One must remember, the Bible is written to and for anointed Christians, while the Bible may provide beneficial information for all true Christians, only the anointed are able to properly understand it. Therefore, only the anointed are implied as the ones searching in the above paragraph.

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard
    And hey, here's Andrew on pages 13-14, who quits his job because he's in a "nonneutral organization", even though he has a wife and two children.

    Six months later:

    We're out of a home now, but at least we're happy....... Oh, and jehovah loves us.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Gold? You can't turn TURD into Gold. Don't waste your time dude!

  • sd-7
    Although I appreciate the insight, I cant understand why you still bother reading the trash. I didnt want to read it when I was in. I dont want to read it now.

    "Hi, Freeze. I'm Batman." Why do I still bother reading it? Because I want to know, that's why. It's an intellectual exercise that keeps me fresh for dealing with this stuff. I anticipate being confronted with JW issues in the future and I want to be able to speak meaningfully about it.

    Or, the more obvious reason, I'm insane! Besides, I used to love the teachings most of all. To see it with new eyes simply never ceases to amaze me. And I've got family still in. I like to know what's being said to them.

    I can't say it makes sense. I feel like...I have to know. What was taken from me can never be restored. Decades of life. I have to watch them. It's just my nature. I'll always be looking over my shoulder. The Borg is never far enough away.

    I just figured it'd be nice to throw an analysis out there. I totally get it for those who want nothing to do with it. It's just not me, at least not right now. But I appreciate your thoughts. I hope I didn't agitate anyone by posting about this, and if I did, I'm sorry.


  • JonathanH

    Their equating themselves with god is getting less and less subtle, but it will still be lost on the majority of JWs. The society gives incredibly detailed instructions, with lots of rules and regulations enforced by elders, god gave lots of instructions and rules and everyone was expected to obey. What are you going to do? Obey or not? Jesus told his disciples things they didn't understand, we are telling you things that you don't understand? Peter went along with jesus, will you go along with us?

  • WTWizard

    I found that the light did indeed get brighter--when I clicked onto my first apostate web site. That's when the lights came on.

    Then, now that I am seeing what is happening with the Fed's QE2, the light got quite a bit brighter than it ever will for the witlesses. The instructions are far simpler than anything you are going to hear from the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, and much easier to follow. Not only that, but far less disastrous if they don't happen for another 3 or 4 years. Instead of wasting time and wealth running around, I am busy trying to protect it from the coming hyperinflation and super-whopper Depression. And I see many Christians applying the Bible to what is happening--even though I do not buy silver because of the Bible, I can at least see where they are coming from. And I see where the world is headed--and that involvement in a religion is not going to save you.

  • minimus

    Their purpose is to integrate them into thinking God/The Organization will give Witnesses detailed instructions that may never really be understood but JUST DO IT!

  • RagingBull

    Didn't GOD speak to Moses directly? So the GB is saying they talk to GOD himself? This crap is getting beyond ridiculous. They're trying too hard.

    (Oh wait, I forgot...they communicate with those of the 24 elders that have been resurrected already and are in heaven. But that's not weird at all. I mean to communicate with dead ones.)

  • OnTheWayOut
    You're just examining the scriptures to make sure YOU understand it the way WE TELL YOU to understand it.

    This was my absolute greatest downfall. I let their circular reasoning and strawman logic and otherwise failed logic and reasoning become my standard. I even gave talks using it, so I could promote it.

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