Br. Loesch - great tribulation, king of the north, generation overlap, new scrolls and more...

by Bonnie_Clyde 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Charlatans is the word.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    I wonder how long a "quantillion" years actually is?

    Even if the process of aging were somehow to be halted (whether by medical science or by some other means), all their talk about "living forever on earth" is still nonsense:

    - simply because the sun is eventually going to run out of nuclear fuel, after which time any form of life on earth becomes impossible. (Actually, all life on earth would be destroyed prior to that event, when the sun - as a "red giant" - and expands in size so much that the earth is placed far too close for life to exist).

    Perhaps by "quantillions" he means about 3.75 billion years in the future, when - because of altered solar conditions - life on earth will no longer be possible (human life, anyway).


  • Ri
  • Chariklo
    A Witness friend is attending the district convention in Long Beach, California this weekend and is all a-quiver about the talk on the image featured in Daniel Chapter 2 and its "ten toes". He is under the impression that something new and exciting will be revealed.

    This is exactly what I was told on the phone last night, our convention being in a few weeks time. My informant was very excited, reminding me that the end is very near now, so can feel it!

    I've heard several witnesses recently discussing where they're going to choose to live after Armageddon.

    Quendi, you wrote

    I did tell him that I already had seen the convention program online (right here at JWN) and was aware of the talk and its contents.

    Do you remember which thread that was in, please? Can you, or anyone, post a link to it?

  • VM44

    If an individual on their own said the things Losch said, they would be considered mentally unbalanced.

    Who is really "mentally diseased" to use a phrase that The Watchtower likes to use?

  • VM44

    Bonnie_Clyde, thank you for posting this.

    I have an outline of the notes you provided so that we can see the points Br. Loesch covered point by point.

    Outline of Br. Loesch Zone Visit Talk Given at Bethel Kingdom Hall (Germany)
    Given in English and lasting Two Hours.

    The last days, Bible Prophecy and the future

    1. The Great Tribulation

    He described in detail about the progression of the great tribulation and how
    it will happen in 3 phases, similar to the progression of the 1st century attack
    on the city of Jerusalem.

    The 1st stage will begin with an unmistakable attack of world leaders on Christendom.
    They will plunder her wealth and property.

    The 2nd phase will include that the governments will believe that they have
    achieved peace and security.

    The 3rd phase is that the world leaders under the direction of the Gog of Magog
    and the King of the North would turn their attention to Jehovah's people.

    The King of the North is........He said we will have to wait and see who attacks
    us then we will know who the King of the North will be. It doesn't help us to speculate.

    Some of the anointed ones still on earth will go to heaven shortly after the great
    tribulation. The sealing of the 144,000 would be complete when the 4 angels
    let go of the winds of the earth at Armageddon. Then Jehovah and Jesus will step
    in and bring about Armageddon, even using the forces of nature and fearful
    signs in the heavens so everyone will know that this was a divine act.

    2. Generation Explanation

    Other interesting points were: the explanation of the generation as is described
    in the Watchtower about how the anointed ones who saw 1914 would overlap those
    who they could pass this knowledge on to.

    3. Living Forever

    Also, he described what it will be like to live forever and the work that will
    be involved in helping resurrected ones (housing, food, spiritual knowledge etc..)
    also those who died last will be resurrected first with the exception of the
    Princes such as Noah, Moses, Abraham etc..

    What we enjoyed the most was how he used the Bible and always referred to the
    Watchtower articles, especially ones in 1994, 1999, and 2006.

    It was emphasized that we don't know the answers to many things, and that
    we won't know until they happen so speculating can be a waste of time.
    He recommended that we picture ourselves in the new world often even if we don't
    know all the details about it.

    He also got us to imagine living not just 1000
    years but quintillion years and then on into eternity.

    4. Never Be Bored

    He said that boredom is part of our imperfection and that once we are perfect
    we will never again feel bored. He used the scripture at Ecclesiastes 3:11 about
    how we will "NEVER find out the work that the true God has made from the start to
    the finish."

    5. New Scrolls, New Creations

    He reminded us that new scrolls would be opened and that Jehovah's rest period
    would be finished at the end of the 1000 years and that he may begin creating
    new things. It really touched our hearts to hear him emphasize these points.

    6. A Privilege

    The 2 hours went by fast, many scriptures were used and detailed explanations
    were given, more than we are even noting here.

    It was a privilege to hear this information, although not new, but in such an
    intimate setting.

  • Quendi


    The program for the 2011 "Let God's Kingdom Come" District Convention can be found here:


  • journey-on

    What I find amazing is how the organization has managed to string its followers along all these years.

    Quendi: When one has been a witness for a long long time (I was raised in it), you never lose the ability to know exactly how they think. We lived and breathed it.

    It was an addiction to the kool-aid and it penetrated our entire psyche. We bought it hook, line, and sinker and got high on the promise of something new and exciting. When it wasn't forth-coming, we began to search for it in every Watchtower, every Special Talk, every new release and talk at the assembly and convention. Like an addict pulling out drawers and throwing things on the floor looking for that one little fix, we needed that tidbit to keep us going.

    The GB and their minions know this and totally understand the psychology of it. They string the addicts along with talks like this one from Loesch and tiny little "fixes" in the literature to keep the r&f shooting up the drivel.

    What I find amazing is that any of us ever kicked the habit and saw through the crazy intoxication of it all!

  • VM44

    A Quintillion is defined to be 10 18 , that is, a one followed by eighteen zeros!

    In comparison, an upper limit estimate of the number of neurons in the human brain is 50x10 9 , and the solar system's sun is expected to last another 5x10 9 years.

    So if a person lifes a quintillion number of years, each neuron in his brain would have to handle about 2 Million (2x10 6 ) years of the person's knowledge and experience!

    At one quintillion years of age, the person would have experienced 100,000,000 total lifespans of the Sun in sequence, that is, a complete birth, lifespan, and death of the sun, one right after another 100,000,000 times.

  • VM44

    Really, what good is Loesch?

    Why should anyone listen to anything he says?

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