Why do I no longer get attacked and persecuted by the demons, since I left JW,s ?

by pedal power 151 Replies latest jw friends

  • Essan

    Yeah, mostlydead, and no matter what happens it's interpreted as "proof"

    If you are a JW and things go badly it's "See, Satan makes us targets because we are God's people".

    If you re a JW and things go well it's "See how we are blessed and protected by God!"

    If you leave the JW's and things go badly it's "Well, that just shows what happens when you lose Jehovah's protection"

    If you leave the JW's and things go well it's "Well Satan looks after his own. They are having their paradise now, but it will end soon enough".

    It's ridiculous.

  • jaguarbass

    I distinctly head someone call my name last night in my hotel room. Clear as could be in a normal voice, I heard my name at 2 in the morning.



    .....the ridiculous amounts of whisky i had been drinking earlier combined with me trying to fall asleep after slamming 2 gatorades and a banana (fruit is healthy and we forgot to eat dinner).

    Nah, let's go with ghosts.

    What I have put out is hear say, thats all I got.

    My friend did tell me that this has been going on for some time and he did have some kind of hoodoo voodo ceremony

    performed to cleanse the house.

    I dont remember what the religious affiliation or ceremony was.

    But I doubt his experience on multiple occasions was alcohol related.

    I'm not saying I believe him, I ran a lot of objections by him.

    He believes what he experienced.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I am still new here but Maze has a following. Like the Witnesses focusing on demons rather than Jesus.

  • Berengaria

    Hey PedalP, if you are there and unable to post, PM me and I'll post for you.

    But it's certainly more than odd that your first and only thread is an apologist thread on a generally apostate site.

    I mean most people ease in and introduce themselves and tell their story. Usually that story has something to do with why they are doubting at the least.

  • NewChapter

    2057, I'm not familiar with your other posts, so I need to ask, was this meant to be serious? If you are serious, how did you get all this insight on demons? I don't remember reading any of this in the Bible. I don't recall any accounts of Christians that were persecuted by demons in order to bully them into changing. Hmmm, if anything, becoming a Christian ended persecution. Actually Jesus and the Apostles cast the demons out and the victims were bothered no more. Those that had been bothered, weren't Christians beforehand. And if getting back to the truth, in order to be tormented by demons which proves it's the truth, then what about all those non-JW's that claimed to be tormented? Should they stay where they are because demons are trying to drive them out of their churches and maybe to WT?

    I don't believe in demons, but if you do, I think you should support your statements.

    And if you were joking---carry on.


  • ziddina

    Uhm, reading NewChapter's post above reminded me of one thing...

    During 'Jesus' time, people believed that illnesses were caused by "demons"... Not stuff like bacteria and viruses, because microscopes and microbiology and sterile environments hadn't been discovered or invented yet...

    So some of those new testament references to "demunzz", probably refer to ordinary illnesses that we have cures for, nowadays...

    Remember, they suffered from:

    intestinal upsets due to digestive parasites, harmful bacteria in the drinking water [even though the Romans had advanced sewage systems, the Judeans may NOT have had such advances...], sinus infections, ear infections, liver flukes, lead poisoning, epilepsy, and so on...

    And all of the above were considered to be caused by 'Demunzzz'...

    I think that leprosy was thought to have been caused by "uncleanness"...

    Just sayin'.

    Zid the She-Devil

  • ziddina
    "Your hypothesis that skeptics never see demons because Satan is hiding from them is also disproven just by the fact that at least one atheist in this topic has experienced "spirits" or whatever, and there are others in the topic that have experienced "wierd things" but do not attribute them to demons. ..."

    What Jonathan H said...

    You can count me into those categories too...

    I'm an atheist, and even as a JW I used to be a total skeptic - laughed my head off at all those 'demunzz' stories told by the Watchtower Society. I'm still pissed that, at the age of 10, I got rid of my great "Sherlock Holmes" collection - also at the instigation of my idiot JW parents - because Sir Arthur Conan Doyle practiced a bit of "spiritism" in his day... But that was during the Victorian era, and who didn't, back then??

    I digress...

    Anyway, after literally decades of sneering at and laughing at ghost stories, 'demunzz' stories and the like, I finally did see something weird - but I'm absolutely positive it had absolutely NOTHING to do with 'demunzz'...

    Might have had something to do with the air conditioning, though... But it did defy the laws of physics - a few of them, at any rate.

    I'm still a skeptic, and an atheist, who does not believe in 'demunzz' - but there are still a few unexplained phenomena out there.

    By the way, this happened several years AFTER I left the Jehovah's Witnesses...

    Which blows Pedalp's theory out of the water, again.

    Zid the She-Devil

  • NewChapter

    Hi Zid,

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure cases of demon possession had other explanations. I'm pretty much an atheist. I was just pointing that for someone who thinks they know their bible, they should support their demon beliefs FROM the bible. I mean, look at all that knowledge about demons! Where does it come from? The bible never really speaks of demons in the manner that 2057 does, so who is feeding her such "knowledge"? Plus most of those cases were described as outright possession. I think the concern here was being "bothered". That's not really covered.

    I just think if you claim to believe the bible, and advise someone to run back to the borg, the least we could expect was some scriptural support. It's not my authority but it should be hers.


  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    I think the demons have just gotten lazier over the years - They only like to bug people through cheesy vampire movies now. All the experienced ones are just bored and the new ones ... well ....

  • ziddina

    LOL @ JustnfromBethel's cartoon!!

    Yeah, New Chapter, I read that post that you're referring to, and I thought it was very strange that 2057 advised a return to the Borg. I sincerely hope that she was joking or being sarcastic... Bad advice, otherwise.

    I'm still trying to figure out whether Pedalp is jerking us around - you'll note that her/his post count remains at '10'... Apparently she/he started the discussion, but hasn't been back to continue to participate...

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