"Your hypothesis that skeptics never see demons because Satan is hiding from them is also disproven just by the fact that at least one atheist in this topic has experienced "spirits" or whatever, and there are others in the topic that have experienced "wierd things" but do not attribute them to demons. ..."
What Jonathan H said...
You can count me into those categories too...
I'm an atheist, and even as a JW I used to be a total skeptic - laughed my head off at all those 'demunzz' stories told by the Watchtower Society. I'm still pissed that, at the age of 10, I got rid of my great "Sherlock Holmes" collection - also at the instigation of my idiot JW parents - because Sir Arthur Conan Doyle practiced a bit of "spiritism" in his day... But that was during the Victorian era, and who didn't, back then??
I digress...
Anyway, after literally decades of sneering at and laughing at ghost stories, 'demunzz' stories and the like, I finally did see something weird - but I'm absolutely positive it had absolutely NOTHING to do with 'demunzz'...
Might have had something to do with the air conditioning, though... But it did defy the laws of physics - a few of them, at any rate.
I'm still a skeptic, and an atheist, who does not believe in 'demunzz' - but there are still a few unexplained phenomena out there.
By the way, this happened several years AFTER I left the Jehovah's Witnesses...
Which blows Pedalp's theory out of the water, again.
Zid the She-Devil