NewChapter, it's too early to tell IMO and it would be a shame if we gave someone a hard time unfairly, making them the topic rather than the subject at hand. Give pedal a chance.
Why do I no longer get attacked and persecuted by the demons, since I left JW,s ?
by pedal power 151 Replies latest jw friends
pedal power
Only got this post left, I only get 10, and Im done, thats it,, I,d love to talk but Im done,got to wait 24 hrs.
Pedal, maybe you missed my post earlier, but I asked you:
What do you think is accurate about the 'Good News' the JW's preach?
After all, they would hardly have God's backing if almost everything they preached was false, would they? And therefore JW's would not uniquely be protected by God or targeted by Demons in that case, would they? Because they'd just be another false religion.
I can recall 3 sisters all pulled into j/c`s for seperate cases of immorality, they all experienced vivid dreams afterwards of sleeping with satan. At the time I put this down to the sisters having demon attack due to their sin. I now realize it was probably due to WT induced guilt, fear etc which does play havoc with ones state of mind.
This does not sound like Maze to me, the posting style is different. It could be but, I recall other folks who have come on here who still believe in demons and the board attacked them. We all used to be jws so we should be sympathetic to this. I think just trying to logically talk to Pedal is the best things, just continue to help her. Maybe she will stay with us and perhaps see things differently later, or not , I don't know, but why should we be unkind?"
I myself believe in many things metaphysical and a number of folks on this board are into this stuff too. can't we live and let live?
Good to see nothing important happened while I was away.
I may be wrong, and I'm sorry I suggested it. It wasn't belief in the demons so much, but the idea that the WT was god's chosen ones just run by imperfect people. Then when she accused the entire forum of scapegoating depressed people, it made me wonder. I was probably out of line and I apologize. I hope you all can forgive me, and I'll let it drop.
I share your frustration NC. Pages of logical reasoning seeming to make no difference whatsoever. It's does make you wonder. But then, I think back to how mind-controlled and insane I was at one time and feel compelled to give the benefit of the doubt. We'll see.
I got a friend who is not a JW. He moved away to Georgia and came down visiting in Florida.
He told me the house he is renting has ghost.
He said it is accross the street from a graveyard.
He said when he comes home at night he hears voices saying"Help me"
He believes there is a ghost outside his house.
The ghost is not persecuting or attacking him but he believes there is a ghost there.
This friend works in a hospital.
He said hospitals are known to be haunted and have ghost.
He said when someone dies in the emergency room there is no window and the spirit can not get
I work in a jail. I here many stories of unusuall things happening in a cell where someone died.
It's sleep paralysis, like many have already mentioned. I used to get it. It used to start at the beginning of the public talk, and end after the Watchtower study.
A friend of mine still sees spirits many years after leaving the WT. Her perception of them has changed. In a casual way she'll say she saw dead aunt maude in the lounge while she was watching telly the other day. No biggie.... She's no longer petrified of seeing weird stuff and dead folk. She has no explanation for any of it. One gem of wisdom that stands out for me is what she said the other day...
If the Watchtower org was really directed by god, then he's taking the piss.
That's all you need to remember.