"...How is it possible to raise points here, and debate them, when my assertions and observations are dismissed as being irrelivent, before I even make them ? There is no room for debate here, because the source material, BIBLE, has already been discounted ?..."
... Ah, Pedal Pusher...
You might want to do some research into the most ancient belief systems - try checking out some of Samuel Noah Kramer's books on the Sumerian civilization - which predates the bible by at least a thousand years...
(Samuel Noah Kramer was the world's leading Sumerologist - archaeologist - until he passed away at the age of 93...)
You'll find that the Sumerians also believed in "demons" of a sort... As did the 'heathen' Persians, Greeks, Romans, and so on...
Belief in "demons" predates the bible...
Just sayin'... You might want to check older sources than the bible...