Wow. Excellent, sincere answers so far. I may have hit a nerve here...
I admit that I was a bit tired when I wrote the OP but I'll still stand behind it. There are those of the conscious class who are determined to never go back if and when they find the right opportunity to leave the JWs and then there are those who have been out for years who still miss old friends to the point of being willing to consider going back. There are differing circumstances and different emotional makeup of individuals that do come into play.
There are a couple of other questions that i forgot to pose in the OP:
If, through unforeseen circumstances, there was a risk of DF that would result in a choice between your freedom and your friends/family, would you "return to the fold" to appease them?
If congregation or family was harassing you to the point of it driving you mad, would you consider DA to save your sanity?
(As much as it would hurt me to lose family, I would be willing to risk either the above if it was a choice between freedom or family. For me, there are no friends that I would miss at all.)
Without further ado, I'll respond to the posts so far:
I'm so sorry that attachments to old friends and self doubt still haunt you but I'm glad that you're not even considering the thought of going back. Your own well being is paramount...
@agent zero:
Your assertion that my questions might only apply to those who have completely left are interesting but there are always notable exceptions like I had stated above. I'm glad that you have freed yourself mentally at least...
Yes, it's true; leaving behind any former way of life is a journey that usually never really ends. I will concede that people can only go along the path to leaving at their own pace and will make the mental leaps along the way only when they are ready to BUT we see individuals here who know that staying in is hazardous to them but remain stuck anyway. Life takes courage to live and I'm slowly learning that for myself.
@Broken Promises:
I'm happy for your relative success when it comes to fading, my dear friend. It seems the you have obtained the prize that most faders seek: being no part of the JWs anymore but still having good relations with JW family. You're continued presence here is inspiring.
I'm happy for you as well that you're firm on never going back. Extended family can only mean so much as it's close family that almost always hurts the most to lose...
I'm glad that you see the light. JWs are not true friends at all. Their so-called "love" for you is almost entirely conditional.
It's wonderful to see individuals like you who, though still inside, are mentally free. I wish you the best of luck when you finally do make your way out the door.
Your sincerity here is refreshing. Despite your marriage to a still faithful JW, I'm glad that your marriage continues to survive. I'm glad, that like so many others, the JW religion is in your rearview...
It's encouraging to see long term faders like yourself continuing to post here. Admittedly the whole point of fading is that we have family in and that doesn't allow for 100% freedom from the bOrg, but it allows for freedom from the guilt. I wish you continued good luck when it comes to avoiding a DF...
You made a very good choice in a username seeing that you are indeed free to live life on your own terms. I wish that I could rewrite the OP a bit to reflect that it isn't the point of fading to cut yourself off from family. We simply refuse to go back inside the prison to appease family...
I agree with you about the JW doctrines not really mattering to me, to a point. We still have to acknowledge the emotional and physical harms that growing up among JWs do to people though...
I'm very happy for you that you were able to get your wife and kids out of the bOrg and still keep your family strong. You are in an enviable position. It's nice that you are free enough to never consider the thought of going back to your old life.
In all, it's wonderful to see people here who have freed themselves from the guilt and the mental manipulations of JW family, JW congregations and the GB in Brooklyn who seeks to rule us all with an iron hand!