Little Do Non-JWS know but that is God's plan: Destroy the governments and put jws in charge

by blondie 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    The story years ago was about the US Army that visited a convention at the Yankee Stadium. I'll see if I can find this. This was said by an attendee at the Amarillo convention...I'm sure it is not that far off the mark. It is somewhere in the 1950's WTs. No CD here at work.

    The story years ago was about the US Army that visited a convention at the Yankee Stadium.....Blondie

    I was there..Everyone was talking about it..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

  • LV101

    yeah, i heard the same thing about the army and something to do with hurricane andrew/florida. i don't believe it.

    bethelites have told me that every single thing they do is checked by 5 other forced laborers following behind them. they are still humans no matter they think they're slaving for a fantasy retirement package.

  • RagingBull

    For some reason...I think THEY WERE LYING. Perhaps a Freudian Slip...b/c deep down the GB knows they wish they were running a GOVERNMENT or Country, but instead...they'll just RUN whoever buys their crap.

  • blondie

    Wow, Outlaw, you are older than I thought. I was just a small babe in arms in the early 50's. There is an article in the WT...I'll find it when I get home.

    Actually, food service when they had a full course meal at noon was quite an event in getting it organized. I worked in the old food program starting in the late 60's when I was a teenager. Food was great in the Midwest US.

  • ziddina


    What "Raging Bull" Said!!!


    Hey Blondie!..

    I was a little kid at the time..But..

    I do remember my mom making a big fuss about it..


    I had never seen Black People before in person..


    I was friggin amazed..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

  • designs

    Scary when you think about it, young people with GEDs running the World.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Can you e-mail the city of Amarillo and ask them if anyone ever said that?

  • blondie

    No, but you can, Anony Mous.......

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