Little Do Non-JWS know but that is God's plan: Destroy the governments and put jws in charge

by blondie 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • sd-7

    Well, just look at the rest of the "theocracies" on the planet, and you'll get a general idea of how the government would work if JWs were in charge. No thanks.


  • Honesty
    The City of Amarillo wanting to be assured that we were not planning on
    leaving Amarillo sent a three man delegation of business men to Bethel to
    plead the case of Amarillo . Anyway, the brotherhood welcomed them and gave
    them a tour of Paterson and Brooklyn . This tour and the brotherhood's
    obvious professional way of doing business so impressed these men that they
    made this comment as reported in a letter from the governing body to us here
    in Amarillo and partially read at our convention, this point. "We feel you
    people should be placed in charge of the US government and in six months you
    would have the problems, including the economy fixed."

    The entire 5000 plus audience were very happy to hear this assessment of our
    organization and our work. And that comment from the Chamber of Commerce and
    the city may open a few hearts to Jehovah.


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Any totalitarian regime will have 'great organizational skills'

  • Knowsnothing

    I never believe their anecdotal evidence.

    Steve (not his real name) from North America (have fun tracking this guy down for verification) wasn't feeling well and almost didn't attend the meeting one night. It would have been the first one he'd missed in his life. But he thought to himself, "If I miss one spiritual meal God himself prepared and whispered into the ears of the Governing Body, it would make Jehovah cry." Quickly he prepared and left for the meeting. As he pulled onto the street outside his house, his apartment exploded because of a gas leak. You'll just have to take our word for it that this bullshit account actually happened and proves we must attend every single meeting. - Just about every Watchtower

    btt for anyone that wants a good laugh.

    Good one, WontLeave! This one's a gut buster!

  • blondie

    *** g72 10/22 pp. 21-22 Assemblies That Acclaim "Divine Rulership" ***At times even government officials have come to Witnesses’ assemblies to watch and learn. This year the Portland PressHerald of June 26, 1972, noted regarding the assembly at Scarborough Downs: "The feeding and seating arrangements were so complex that both the Army and Civil Defense sent observers to see how it was handled.

  • blondie
  • serenitynow!
    We feel you people should be placed in charge of the US government and in six months you would have the problems, including the economy fixed."

    That is horrifying! Yes if the GB was in charge of the country, there would be free grape kool aide for everyone!

  • MrMonroe

    I think any organisation or government would long for a membership that was so compliant and obliging, willing to work so hard for nothing but the promise of a future reward.

    But of course the only organisation that could achieve that sort of work ethic, combined with absolute obedience, is .... a cult.

  • blondie

    Health inspectors found that
    the food was maintained at tem-
    peratures that atlowed less
    spoilajre than in most restau-
    rants. John Kehaler, chief food
    inspection supervisor of the
    Bronx, recalled: "You people
    served 300,000 meals in 1950,
    and not a single tummy-ache."

    As for methods, Kehaler said,
    "It's even better than the army."

    Report Of The 1953 New World Society Assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses

  • FlyingHighNow

    Can't believe we used to fall for this kind of bullbleep. Good god.

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