as long as there is no ectoplasm, it's ok.
viewing porn makes you demonised!
by highdose 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Is that what that stuff is? I was cleaning it, you understand, and it just went off.
The ectoplasm comes [sp.] ;ater.
No Room For George
I was getting ready to do a thread on porn, but noticed this. A neighboring congregation just lost a ministerial servant and another congregation has put a baptized brother is on restrictions due to porn. I know we often talk about apostacy being the GB's main concern with the internet, but we may be mistaken, because online porn is hurting them pretty bad right now.
Miz . . . maybe all us XJW's should get together and do a porn shoot just for the brothers . . . show them how much fun we're having . . . I'm sure they'd recognise some of us . . . we could use a book study setting LOL
J. Hofer
a JC setting with a repentant sinner would have some room for more advanced stuff...
Broken Promises
LOL @ book study setting...
Or a JC where a sister demonstrates what they did when she and her bf committed fornication...
Two brothers knock on the door where a nakkid woman answers....
What Happens In Bethel After Dark...
Bethelite Confessions...
Mmmm, the mind boggles...
How about . . . Dubbie Does Dallas
Broken Promises
How about . . . Dubbie Does Dallas
(and yes, I'm sure there's a lot of groaning in the movie too)
Band on the Run
I can't understand how the Society knows which couples are engaging in oral sex or watching pornography. Some people are gluttons for punishment. I have a feeling these confessions enlighten and entertain elders.
People see nicely dressed people going door to door. If they knew the inappropriate crossing the boundaries and lack of privacy, they would have a different image of the Witnesses.