OK, let's construct a hypothetical situation.
This year I will not be attending the memorial. Up till now, the elders have left me alone, but not attending the memorial may well trigger a reaction. So, let's say the following happens:
One Saturday afternoon the door bell goes. My (JW) wife answers, and two elders march in. They say that they are here to visit my wife and see how she is doing.
My reaction will be to see who it is calling, grunt at them, and then return to what I am doing. Let's assume I return to reading a book in my den.
Now, after the elders have drunk my tea and stuffed their faces with my chocolate-chunk cookies, one of them comes upstairs and into my den. He snoops a bit at the books and my travel souvenirs on the shelves. While he is doing this, I use my Englishperson gland to suck all the heat out of the room rendering the atmosphere somewhere close to absolute zero.
This doesn't make a difference however. (Of course not, one of the qualifications for being an elder is to be oblivious to what's going on around you.) So, Mr. elder plonks down in the other chair in my den and starts to interogate me on "how I feel about the Truth".
I will not answer these questions. My firmly held position is that these people have no power over me unless I give it to them. So, I tell him that I do not wish to discuss this subject at this time, and since I'm in the middle of something, to please leave the room.
Let's say he doesn't go. A lot of elders have this strange attitude that they own all the property of publishers in their congregation. Let's say he continues to pester me after my polite, and then not so polite refusals.
What are my options now? I could remove myself and lock myself in the bathroom, but I'll be damned if I'll act like a scared rabbit in my own damn house! Or I could call the police. But let's be real. No police people are going to leave the donut shop in anything under 3 hours for something trivial like this.
That leaves the physical option. I'm 6 feet 1 inch, 180 pounds and free of physical ailments. The local elders are either considerably older, shorter, or have no balls.
So, let's imagine that I grab this elder by the lapels, push him down the stairs and kick his ass out the front door with a "piss off and never darken my doorstep again" comment. If the other elder doesn't leave voluntarily, he gets the same treatment.
Now, the question is: have I just committed assault?
Can they charge me, and will the charge stick? Or can I argue that I was removing an intruder from my property? Do elders have guidelines from the society on what to do if this happens?
Comments and tips on effective Vulcan Death-grips appreciated!