JW co-worker lost everything in flood... elders are nowhere in sight

by Alfred 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Alfred

    Recently, a flash flood hit co-worker's neighborhood when heavy rains combined with blocked storm drains caused river water and mud to deviate and head straight for the lower homes in his gated community. About 18 homes were affected in this neighborhood and there was absolutely no time to react. Before my JW co-worker could do anything, he had at least 3 feet of water and mud gushing through his entire one-story home losing everything except some pictures that were hanging on the wall. It was devastating....

    Anyway, he just called me a few minutes ago to ask for a few days off (I'm actually his boss and he knows that I have completely faded). Of course I did give him time off and when he gets back i plan to give him an envelope with some money. Why? Because when I asked him if the elders had come around to offer his family any assistance, he said that (other than one genuinely loving sister) NO ONE from his congo has even called or asked how he was doing or even offered to help him clean up (and just about everyone, including the elders, knows what happened). Meanwhile, he has been sleeping at his mother-in-law's home along with his wife and daughters. It's been over 2 weeks since that flood practically destroyed his home and no one has given him one red cent. i asked him how he felt about that and he said: "not good but I just need to stay focused for my family." That was my cue to leave it at that and simply offer my help.

    Had he not said those words, I was going to get into how the "Society" only helps JWs if there's any significant publicity to be had, but decided to bite my tongue (especially since he has enough stress to deal with at the moment)... I do intend to talk to him at length about why he received zero help from the elders (when the appropriate time comes). In the meantime, I'd like to know if anyone here has had a similar experience that I can possibly share with him at a later time... thanks!

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    ....and when he tells his elder handlers that he got some money from you, they will say,"A blessing from Jehovah."

    As a good dub he was richly blessed. They will so spin it.....


  • leavingwt

    NO ONE from his congo has even called or asked how he was doing or even offered to help him clean up (and just about everyone, including the elders, knows what happened)

    I was once in a congregation that was like this. There were wealthy elders who didn't give a shit about a person with a material need. They wouldn't even inquire.

    I was also in two (relatively) poor congregations that took care of one another in a fabulous way.

  • sizemik

    That's disgraceful. Sorry I can't help with a similar tale . . . but I have to wonder . . .

    If it was one of the Elders homes? . . . I bet they'd be buzzing around like bees to help. It's not just the lack of love . . . but the selective application of it, that I saw so often in various little ways.

    Good for you for your compassion Alfred . . . it's nice to have it returned when you leave that lot . . . I'm sure he will appreciate it.

    I'd be interested if anything develops.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    The local RBC had helped with relief work from flooding and hurricanes in the past, but nothing has come through with the floods and tornadoes in recent years. The RBC might come through, but relief efforts are dropping very low on the GBs list of things to do.

    I wouldn't be surpised if they come up with a couple of flimsy examples of disaster assistance to print in the ragazines. But, they'll remind "the friends" to make their checks for the worldwide work NOT to a particular relief fund.

  • sir82

    A local JW sister from my congregation has recently fallen into hard times. Lots of kids, abusive/passive-aggressive husband, no $$$, etc.

    She has begun the process of getting help from social services, various governemnt agencies, getting food stamps, etc.

    She confides to my wife.

    She says that the first quesion that the social services people always ask is, "and what help are you getting from your church?"

    She is horribly embarrassed to say "None".

    (Certain individuals are helping her out, but of course "the congregation is not set up to provide charity to those in need").


    The WBT$ isn`t running a Charity..

    If a JW needs help..

    The WBT$ can provide them with the phone number to the local welfare office..

    Send the Watchtower your Money..

    These WBT$ GB AssH*les need New Suits!..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • sd-7

    On the plus side, Outlaw, they need two suits less than advertised in that photo. Burn!


  • Alfred

    @Sizemik... I'll certainly post something if anything changes, but I have a feeling the congo will continue to turn a blind eye because, as you pointed out, he's not an elder... not sure if he's an MS but he's defintely not an elder...

  • undercover
    a flash flood hit co-worker's neighborhood when heavy rains combined with blocked storm drains caused river water and mud to deviate and head straight for the lower homes in his gated community.

    My first thought(s)...

    Back when I was in, there was a bit of distrust and jealousy of JWs who were well-to-do. Oh, we wouldn't admit it, but there was a definite backlash against dubs who had made it to "Easy Street" as far as finances were concerned.

    When 90% of the congregation is living hand to mouth and there's that one family with the nice house, new up-scale cars, a boat, vacation home, or travels a lot, we had righeous indignation. We were suffering for righteousness sake, how the hell are they suffering? Not saying it was fair or right...just saying that's how it was...and probably still is.

    The reason I mention that: you state that this brother lives in a gated community. Maybe it's just the area I live in, but anyone who lives in a gated community, lives in a posh neighborhood. They don't gate just any ole neighborhood. You gotta have some green...or at least excellent credit... to live where even the pizza guy has to have credentials to get in.

    If my assumption about the neighborhood is correct, even if your friend isn't particularly well off, the perception may still be there among the so-called "friends" at the hall. If he can afford to live there, then he's got insurance and can afford to get shit fixed on his own. They might jump to when a not-so-well-to-do-but-plays-the-game-and-kisses-the-right-asses gets flooded, but not when a self sufficient, successful in the secular world person gets flooded.

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