JW co-worker lost everything in flood... elders are nowhere in sight

by Alfred 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LongHairGal


    You are right in your observation that people in the religion, in general, have serious issues of jealousy over anybody who looks like they are doing well. Whether this is an illusion or not isn't even the point. Sometimes a person puts on a brave front and presents themselves well in public, but that doesn't mean all is well. Such a person would be the last person to be helped by the congregation. As you mentioned, to add insult to injury, it also has to do with how well somebody "performs" in the religion.

    As far as 'poor' JWs suffering for righteousness sake, I remember going out in service years ago in a well-to-do area with a struggling couple who made remarks that the people in these houses "were having their reward in full". I thought to myself how cruel and jealous this sounded.

  • Quendi

    I would say that it should make no difference what a person's financial status is. If help is needed, then help should be rendered, period.

    The Bible book of Acts discusses a famine that hit Palestine and put Christians in Judea between a rock and a hard place. Now I'm sure that not every Christian in Jerusalem lived in poverty, but this disaster didn't respect anyone's economic status. All of them were in need. The apostle Paul organized relief efforts with Gentile believers. Among the contributors were Christians in Philippi who were quite poor. Nevertheless, they gave generously to assist their brothers. That is the pattern set for us. "To each according to his need; from each according to his ability."

    So regardless of the fact that this Witness lived in a gated community, fellow believers should have come to his assistance. If they aren't willing to do this, what good is this religion doing them? They will undoubtedly make the claim that they love God and their neighbor, obeying the two greatest commandments. But in this case, it would seem they love neither.


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