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JW co-worker lost everything in flood... elders are nowhere in sight
by Alfred 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Undercover raises an interesting point: Since he lives in a gated community, it seems like this man has had better living conidtions than your average JW. Just checking: Has he himself been in contact with the elders to advise them of his living situation? Although I recognize the JW-tendency to offer help if it can be widely publicized, it could be that the local congregation either may have (wrongly) concluded that he has the resources to recover or may not be aware of his plight. I'm not minimizing his difficult situation, but just wondered along the lines of undercover's post. Whatever the case, I hope he is getting the help he needs from his own family and good on you for being such a genuinely supportive employer.
Undercover... I know exactly what you mean.
The difference here is that about 60% of his congo lives in upper middle class neighborhoods (believe it or not)... he lives in one also, but only because he inherited his home and everyone knows it... they also are fully aware that he does not have a high-paying job, average maybe...
I should have pointed that out in my post ... but thanks for your perspective...
Sadly it really depends on the cong. I have been in cong where they would give the shirt off their back to help you. I have also been in cong where they lived in their own world and would never bother to help another jw. They would totally ignore ones in the kh even.
"If it was one of the Elders homes? . . . I bet they'd be buzzing around like bees to help. It's not just the lack of love . . . but the selective application of it, that I saw so often in various little ways."
Not to change the subject but for instance, you would see single sisters, nice but no money and poorly connected, sitting in a KH for years & years still single .... but wow when one shows up with connections and a bit of dough ..... well that's a whole different story! Now a whole lot of match making is going on!!!
That's an important point sizemik, one that's not always thought of. -
Broken Promises
No stories to relate, but just wanted to give my sympathies for this guy and his family. Once water has hit it, nothing is salvagable. 3 feet of water through a single storey home.... ugh!
There's one sure way to get the local congregation on his doorstep ready to pitch in and help: Tell them a local TV crew will be in the neighbourhood and they're looking for scoops on groups that are putting their faith into action. I bet you'd have a swarm of smiling JWs around there in a heart beat ready to preach as they pitch in.
There does seem to be a tremendous discrepancy between the wonderful experiences in the Watchtower about how loving the JWs are & what often is the real experience. I've known JWs being really helpful & other times when people weren't cared for. The constant focus on the ministry above everything else certainly has the effect of pushing practical help for others below the agenda.
I remember we had an elderly lifetime JW in the congregation who was really ill & housebound & asked if the brothers would pop around sometimes. He was in my bookstudy group & as an elder I tried to organise a rota but frankly most of the congregation weren't interested. A pioneer told me that he would only drop in for an occasional cuppa if we would allow him to count his time , otherwise he was "too busy trying to get his hours in". It was a depressing indication to me that the welfare of the brothers was well down the list of priorities.
Room 215
"....and when he tells his elder handlers that he got some money from you, they will say,"A blessing from Jehovah."""" .... I just hope HE doesn't spin it that way!
"We will quickly sound alarm".
So they could sing those words when it was in the songbook. However, when it comes to lifting a finger when they are really in need, none of the other witlesses do anything. I hope when it's their turn to be in need, no one lifts a finger to help them--especially since they refused to so much as organize a few people to help clean up the place.