
by snowbird 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    I like to say to Dubs when they bring up the Time is Short speech...."I was walking along the street one afternoon in the Summer of 1966 and a very serious brother named Bernard stopped his truck and beckoned me in giving me a lift.

    No "Hello, brother Walstrom, how are you".

    He started right in, "Time is short, a young brother like you should be Pioneering, blah blah blah..have you made out a personal schedule for witnessing...blah blah blah."

    Then, he dropped me off several blocks later and drove away.

    That was 45 years ago!...."

    That is all I say and walk away.

  • snowbird



    "Nuff said.


  • snowbird

    Just noticed this:

    Sowing, sowing, wherever we can, that's us, 'coz we're 'poztate man !

    You got that right, Wobble.

    Who's to say where a seed may land or what kind of fruitage will result?


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Was it in connection with Jim Penton's situation that some eighty publishers "walked away"?


  • snowbird

    Yes, it was, CoCo.

    Even made the news down here in Bama.

    Don't ever underestimate people who are fed-up with a situation.


  • Heaven

    Who ya calling a trickle?!!

    Ok, I know this is not on topic but why oh why would anyone with the last name of Trickle name their kid Dick?

    Dick Trickle

  • snowbird



  • Glander

    Why, indeed. Hard to conceive...

  • GLTirebiter

    Hmmm, shouldn't Mr. Trickle be sponsored by some brand of saw palmetto dietary supplements?

    OK, back on topic.

    It doesn't matter how much doubt or hidden anger or confusion a person has inside the Organization. Why? Because they don't have anyplace ELSE to go.

    If I may stretch the "seed of doubt" analogy a little further, just planting it isn't enough. You need to water it and remove the weeds, so your seed can sprout and take root. When somebody says "Where else could we go?" that's a sign that they see their faith being limited to the WT organization. They think they have nowhere else to go, and that is what traps them. Show them there is a difference between their beliefs and the organization, that there is good to be found in the world beyond the walls of the Kingdom Hall.

  • pbrow

    The dubs act the way they do because they are all concerned about what they think another person is going to think about what they actually do. That was a huge factor in the "sowing" that I was able to accomplish with a family member. (who is basically now a dub in name only)

    off topic.... The Rosa Parks incident was a setup. She was "chosen" by a civil rights group to be the poor black lady who wouldnt give up her seat on the bus. I think that a younger female was initially "chosen" but she was unmarried (and possibly got pregnant) and it was determined that she would not have fit the profile the group was looking for.


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