Transformers 3: Dark of the Theater

by sd-7 19 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Well, my convention's in two weeks. I wonder how that's going to go?

    I wish there had been transformers or superheros in the "full costume Bible dramas".

  • undercover
    I wish there had been transformers or superheros in the "full costume Bible dramas".

    Jesus is a superhero, didn't ya know?

  • Heaven

    And as a sidebar it could be discussed just when Adam had his first orgasm. Was he completely celibate until she with bosoms and penile injection site appeared or did he see animals getting it on and tried to join in or was it by his own hand?

    I don't care about derailing so I'm back at it. According to the Watchtower's 1955 rendering of Adam (thanks to Marvin Shilmer for 'resurrecting' that for us ), Adam is dickless and therefore could not have obtained an orgasm. It really doesn't explain how we all got here though since we evidently came from Adam.... uh... yeah. Perhaps it spontaneously generated after meeting up with Eve.

  • OnTheWayOut
    I saw an MSN headline asking if audiences would be affected by Megan Fox not being in the movie.

    Yes, my salary will go down, my investments will tank, I will have to cancel a Disney vacation. I might actually pay attention to the movie instead of watching Megan bending over.

    Oh, there's someone else to bend over in the new movie? Well, then Disney here I come, investments might do okay and my salary will probably be just fine. WOO HOO!

    There are so many stupid questions. I love when a basketball team throws the long shot at the buzzer and either wins or loses by one point based on that shot missing or sinking, then the sports interviews are about how the team either had it all together or didn't seem to have it all together today.

  • leavingwt

    The train wreck scene alone in Super 8 is worth the price of admission into the theater. It's also a pretty good movie.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    best friend just came in and loved TFs. cant wait to get off work and go see it.

    And yes sd we need that article about adam!

  • sd-7

    Okay. I wrote the article, okay? Talk about it on that thread, ple-e-e-ase!

    Well, yeah, I do think it would be way cooler if they had more action scenes in the dramas... Also, Jesus is a superhero. A son of a god, sent to earth to save people? He dies and comes back to life? Then he comes back and destroys the majority of human life? I mean, what more can you ask for out of a comic book character? It's like Thor, Superman, and Darkseid all in one!

    How come nobody ever says I wonder if uh, Josh Duhamel and Tyrese will drawn in audiences? I mean, we're Josh Duhamel here! Tad Hamilton himself! 'When in Rome'! 'Ramona and Beezus'! Come on! And Tyrese?? '2 Fast 2 Furious', 'Fast Five', and 'Baby Boy'? Serious star power here!

    Anyway, let's just Optimus doesn't get killed again. That's all I'm sayin'. It'd be nice if the robots didn't look like a giant junkyard running at another giant junkyard...half the time it was hard to tell what was going on in some of those fights, at least in the first one.

    leavingwt, I've heard great things about 'Super 8'. I have high hopes for that one, but still can't see it until the DVD release. I wonder if it's worth Blu-ray rental? That extra 50 cents makes a big difference, after all...


  • truthlover

    Aliens and Cowboys look like a great sci fi movie -- Super 8 was really good -- and Transformers is 2 1/2 hours long -- maybe -- first two were not bad..

    Dont care who is in them -- just like the action, of course Daniel Craig is in Cowboys and Aliens

  • leavingwt
    leavingwt, I've heard great things about 'Super 8'. I have high hopes for that one, but still can't see it until the DVD release. I wonder if it's worth Blu-ray rental? That extra 50 cents makes a big difference, after all...

    I would give Super 8 7-1/2 stars out of 10. The hype exceeds the film, just a bit, IMHO. It's really good, but I cannot say it's great. However, the train wreck sequence, and the manner in which the film captures the feel of 1979 are excellent. WHEN you do eventually see the film, you'll wish you had seen it on the big screen. J.J. Abrams has become a master at blowing stuff up.

  • sd-7

    Well, I think J.J. Abrams is on fire right now as a director anyway. Gee, here I thought Michael Bay was the one who liked blowing stuff up.


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