Who's the most intolerant religious group?

by Wonderment 63 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • unshackled

    Considering JWs have zero tolerance of ANY other religion, interesting Wonderment would put them behind Pentecostals and Baptists. Like Sweeney I'm not well-versed in the varieties of christian faith....but why would Pentecostals/Baptists be more intolerant than the Dubs.

    Also, wouldn't Islam be fairly high on that list? Or would that just be the radicals?

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I think ALL religions are equally intolerant in their own ways...they ALL think they are right based on their own peculiar take on the bible.

    Since the bible canon has been tweaked and manipulated by Catholics I think that ultimately their arrogance and intolerance will trickle through to ALL religions that want to base their teachings on a Catholic foundation.

    This is my opinion on "Christian" religions...but I couldn't really say about non Christian ones. Though I would guess that they all have their foibles.

  • JeffT

    I believe that God loves everyone and wants us all to be one big happy family.

    And anybody that doesn't believe that is going to burn in hell.

  • NewChapter

    Oh, okay Jeff. As long as you believe that SOME humans are gonna burn in hell---I can tolerate you.


  • godrulz

    Some of you still don't get the concept that thinking one is right or actually being right is intolerant. If my doctor practices evidence based medicine and is intolerant of quackery that can kill people, that does not make her intolerant, just right. If it does make her intolerant (of stupidity), then that is a good thing. This is a lame smokescreen to avoid the implications of a true vs false worldview (blurs the distinction).

    thinkaboutit: Catholics have many extra/contrabiblical ideas. They affirm a sound doctrine of God including the trinity, Deity and resurrection of Christ, virgin conception of Christ, etc. The key is the Deity and resurrection of Christ, core gospel truths that JWs deny (Arian heresy and recreation of Michael vs physical resurrection of Christ). Some Catholics know and love Jesus (the real one, not generic cult jesus), while others are simply nominal. The uniformitarian view of JWs cannot fathom how Catholics, Baptists, Pentecostals can all be saved (our fellowship is in Christ, not submitting to a fallible organization in the Vatican or Brooklyn). This is not to condone Catholic error, but JWs major on minors (birthdays, Christmas, blood, tetragrammaton, prophecy, etc.) while being wrong on majors (salvation by grace through faith alone in Christ; Deity/resurrection of Christ, etc.). Christian denominations disagree on peripheral, debatable issues, but have common faith in Christ. Cults deny the essentials of the faith (even if they are right on some peripheral, non-salvific issues).

    The reason people are condemned for eternity is that we are sinners who reject the true God/Christ/salvation. Trusting a counterfeit like the kingdom of the cults offers is worthless and leaves us dead in sin without hope.

  • poppers

    I find it amazingly sad that religious beliefs divide people from one another the way they do - beliefs that no one can be certain of because they are beliefs, yet look at the damage they do.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    WHY oh WHY oh WHY does nearly every comment have to involve Trinity babble?

    The more I see that...the more I am convinced that the Catholic religion has an awful lot to answer for. By their fruit you will know them...well Catholics have poduced some pretty foul fruit...so now I know them I don't want to follow anything they are part of, or that their fruit is part of. All these other religions are just variations of catholic fruit.

    hmmmm...thats got me feeling a bit peckish...might go have an apple

    this is the catholic church and all its off shoots...

  • NewChapter

    Well godrulz has actually convinced me. All his hard work has paid off. I now see with perfect clarity that I would NEVER, EVER ascribed to a religion that makes me act like godrulz. Thanks godrulz. You have confirmed everything I suspected. Well Done!

    Now, are there any pagans in the house? I'm shopping for something sane.


  • godrulz

    Revelation>reason. God is a responsible Creator and intends for us to understand His self-revelation/communication. If we cannot, then we are off the hook on judgment day (lie). The truth is out there and views can be verified or falsified (so don't be lazy; what could be more important?!).

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    godrulz.....I have to agree with you....The truth is out there.....I for one am looking for it...I highly recommend you do the same..take your nose out of the Bible and see....open your eyes!!! God is all around us...he is not in a book. He is NOT a trinity...he is not whatever label you want to put on him...he is not a religion....he is not a belief system...those are mans ideas....and mans ideas will NOT save anyone.

    I am no expert...I don't claim to know God any more or less than anyone else...but I sure as hell know that he can't be found in ANY religion. Religions are self serving organisations...that is their purpose...they have no business using God as their selling point.

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