Who's the most intolerant religious group?

by Wonderment 63 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • aquagirl

    Muslim,then JWs.

  • NewChapter

    Oh JW's don't know their bible because they don't believe as you do? You know nothing about JW's. But here is the beautiful part. People like you run around thumping their bible and proclaiming that all who do not believe like you don't know their bible. It's not a matter of knowing the contents, it's a matter of how they interpret it. As far as I'm concerned, JW interpretation of the bible is just as valid as yours. It's not enough to know the bible, but it must be explained by wiser individuals, like you (gag). Are you starting your own cult? Perhaps you need to guide believers through the bible to make sure they understand it correctly. Knowing and feeling are different things. They do know what the bible says. How the people on this forum interpret that knowledge has probably changed quite a bit. Still, I respect them much more than you simply because they aren't so lazy. Like You. I think they are mislead, but they put a great deal more effort into their ministry than you're willing to do.

  • Retrovirus

    Godrulz says

    Some of you still don't get the concept that thinking one is right or actually being right is intolerant

    I guess you mean "being right is not intolerant". The problem I see with your analogy is that religion is not evidence based.

    Sure, you can believe you're right and still be tolerant. Most people do.

    But some seek out people when they are likely to be doubtful and vulnerable, and push their views and agendas. They argue from a supposed position of superiority and cannot concede the least point in discussion.

    Whether or not they are right, that is intolerant behaviour.

    If by chance they are right, that will become apparent without such tactics.

  • Quarterback

    I think the Gideons are the most tolerant religious group. Have you ever seen one of them. No, they are invisible, yet they manage to leave a Bible in every Hotel room known. You know what goes on sometimes in those Hotel rooms, right? Yet, they still manage to leave their Bibles.

    They are also the most secretive.

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    The radical left is the most intolerant....

  • Knowsnothing

    JW's certainly always are condeming Christianity though.

  • NewChapter

    LOL QB. I've seen Gideons! They were passing out little bibles and I accepted one--then like the excellent dub I was I WITNESSED TO THEM! lol

    Still have that bible though. It's orange---bright orange. The New Testament and Psalms and Proverbs.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    tec....I think this is the basis of why all religions are intolerant...its because they all think they are to be saved...them alone....

    I agree with you that no one knows who else can be saved or not...what do they base this reasoning on? Their own opinion? Or the opinion of the crutch church or religious organisation they belong to?

  • NewChapter

    Quarterback, you have a pm

  • dgp

    Have you guys noticed that religious people are at each other's throats, with the exception of those countries where a secular government is in place?

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