Shame on me? I don't think so. You and Bill Gates deserve each other. Enjoy.
Chemtrails, Seeing is believing.
by pedal power 482 Replies latest social current
These flat earthers have yet to disprove the role of the motherships. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!
pson: that bill gates is rich, and melinda gates is married to bill gates, does not mean you can ignore his and her rights as a human. in particular he should be assumed innocent untill prooven otherwise.
but i bet human rights, like evidence and the scientific method, are just another thing you dont give a hoot about when it dosnt suit your agenda....
but this is offtopic.. you havent answered plenty of previous points i have made on this page, and i do know you like to go out of a tangent with conspiracy nuttery.
Bohm, you have no clue how your last post has made me laugh!
"Come on Mrs J, Im sure you have been called worse than a Flatearther"
You missed my point Pedel pusher, you weren't calling me a flatearther because I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with you. Makes no difference to me if you believe that Chem trails are signs of a malious government. What I was trying to point out is name calling will not forward your cause, it only makes you look juvenile with the result of folks taking you less serious than they already do.
BTS: DO try to poke around that site :-D. In 5 minutes in the science section i learned:
- the author is fat
- has restless leg syndrome (but dont worry -- he is curing it with crystals!)
- Neanderthals never existed... its a fact.
there is a "demon" and "sex" section for those who dare to enter...
You should stick to your popular mechanics websites then....
You really need a new hobby bohm
anyway, back to the topic.