Breaking News: Explosion in Oslo

by leavingwt 99 Replies latest social current

  • sizemik
    Uh yeah, hello; and they're called: the News and World Events section of your favorite JW discussion board.

    I especially liked the fact that a thread started here on Bin Ladens death via twitter . . . BEFORE it appeared on any newscasts. Even the live feed from Washington ran 10 seconds ahead of the official TV newscasts . . . JWN . . . where you hear it first LOL

  • james_woods
    Helloooooo.....there are news sites for this sort of information!

    Maybe LeavingWT put it up here on JWN so that people here could discuss it? Ya think? Maybe?

  • leavingwt

    RT @CFKlebergTT: One person confirmed dead in #Oslo blast, says norwegian radio. More deaths feared.

  • sizemik

    'Fearing the worst'

    Oistein Mjarum, head of communications at the Norwegian Red Cross, told BBC World TV the blast could be heard across the city.

    "There are a lot of people injured but we don't know how many," he said.

    "This is a very busy area on Friday afternoon and there was a lot of people in the streets, and many people working in these buildings that are now burning, so we fear the worst but we have no confirmed details of casualties or the number of dead."

    Amid reports of a bomb attack, finansakrobat likened the explosion to the 9/11 attacks on America.

    Christian Aglen, development manager of Norwegian financial news website, tweeted that it was "undoubtedly one of the worst days in Norwegian history".

    This news could get worse

  • james_woods

    I would have thought several fatalities would be likely after seeing those pictures - not as bad as the Oklahoma City Fed Building, but still pretty bad.

  • leavingwt
  • leavingwt
  • sizemik

    One radio journalist reported from the scene.

    "I see that some windows of the government headquarters have been broken.

    "Some people covered with blood are lying in the street."

    Norway has experienced problems with several homegrown terror plots linked to al Qaeda.

    Last week, a Norwegian prosecutor filed terror charges against an Iraqi-born cleric for threatening Norwegian politicians with death if he was deported.

    Doesn't take long for that name to pop up (source SKYNEWS)

  • InquiryMan

    I am following the news right now. It is somewhat unreal that this has taken place in my own peaceful, beloved country...

  • james_woods

    This was an enormous bomb, apparantly. A poster who lives there said on my Ferrari site that he was about 2 miles away when it happened and he could feel the ground shake. He also reports that there are more than the one fatality.

    He made the point that this happened on Friday evening local time, so many people were in the streets when it went off.

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