Hey I want to commend you for linking the articles though!
Breaking News: Explosion in Oslo
by leavingwt 99 Replies latest social current
Typical ... when a white, christian commits an act of terrorism people are keen to distance him from both christianity and terrorism.
Lets tell it like it is: he was a right-wing christian terrorist - yet another religious nut and no different than the extremists on the other side.
The guy was a nut to do what he did, but he's right about a lot of things. It appears he is brilliant. His lifes work will now get the discussion it so sorely needs.
NeckBeard - you're views are not welcome here because to say something like this shows that you're either a moron or a sympathizer with his beliefs and frankly, either way we don't want you around.
Thank you, Simon.
How are you Inquiry? I feel so grieved that such a great country as yours has been hit by such senseless violence. I hope this doesn't change the shape of your culture. I hope you can continue on a peaceful merciful course. When I hear that this guy may not get much prison it makes me so angry---but then I think how I love that your kind of country exists. I don't want that ruined for you.
When these things happen in the US, we forfeit all the values we hold dear to take care of things. I feel so torn about it. I honestly don't know what to think at these times.
So tell me again--how are you doing?
I am fine. As I wrote in a previous posting, we went to the capital city to place flowers on the "flower ocean" in front of the Oslo Cathedral and lit lights.
Today, the whole country will take one minute silence at 12 o´clock. The first hour at work me and my colleagues were talking about what had taken place...
The brother of a team player in my son´s football team was shot dead at the island. Thus his team had a memorial yesterday. So far, names have not been published of those being killed. Then the 2nd wave of grief will take place in our country. Keep in mind that at the youth rally there were young people from all over the country assembles, thus the whole country is directly affected by this. We are just five million people - thus almost everyone will know someone who knows someone....
People are not vengeful. in fact many are relieved that non-white muslims are not behind the events, cause that might have increased tension and racism in society.. Now people hopefully will be more inclined to less prone to bigotry and mistrust of people different than themselves.
It is really sad, it has been a weekend of reflection, tears, disbelief and sadness. But we will go on.
It is like the young woman who stated to CNN: If one man can show so much hatred, just imagine how much love we can show all together." or something along those lines.
Norwegian values of inclusiveness, solidarity, social consciousness will perservere and we want to keep our open, transparent society, albeit some modificiations I guess when it comes to security etc...
Thanks for your concern.
The guy was a nut to do what he did, but he's right about a lot of things. It appears he is brilliant. His lifes work will now get the discussion it so sorely needs.
He's right about nothing . . . you hear? . . . nothing! He's a mass-murderer prompted into a heinous crime by his mis-guided religio/political ideology. He's in exactly the same category as a Muslim suicide bomber . . . the only difference being he's too gutless to stake his life on it.
Size, did you see that neckbeard got banned for that comment? such a relief.
It is like the young woman who stated to CNN: If one man can show so much hatred, just imagine how much love we can show all together." or something along those lines.
That's a beautiful and profound statement. Thanks for sharing, InquiryMan. I'm so sorry your country is dealing with this level of grief.
still thinking
marking to have a look later on...cheers
thanks for your thoughts inquiryman and it is very sad that this event is affecting the whole nation in such an intimate way in that everyone will personally know someone who died. This was a very carefully planned and executed crime but played out for all the world to see it will have the opposite affect to that intended by the perpetrator. This particular type of hatred is very shortsighted.
I was also very relieved that the crime was not committed by non-white muslims