Here is his 1500 page manifesto.
"A European Declaration of Independence"
The guy was a nut to do what he did, but he's right about a lot of things. It appears he is brilliant. His lifes work will now get the discussion it so sorely needs.
His research reminds me of others. Bezmenov. X-KGB Psychological Warfare Techniques. Subversion & Control of Western Society.
How To Brainwash A Nation
Those that think he is a fundie Christian are off the mark. He is anti muslim anti marxist. In no way was this guy a fundie, at least not in the biblical sense of the word. He was a hardcore Free Mason, and an adherent of the Knights Templar. That is complete anathema for a fundie Christian, so attempts to portray him as a one are nothing less than a very innaccurate smear.
Anders Breivik is not Christian but anti-Islam
Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik's ideology is fuelled by a loathing of Muslims and 'Marxists', his writing spurred by conspiracy theories
The Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik, who shot dead more than 90 young socialists at their summer camp on Friday, after mounting a huge bomb attack on the centre of Oslo, has been described as a fundamentalist Christian. But he published enough of his thoughts on the internet to make it clear that even in his saner moments his ideology had nothing to do with Christianity, but was based on an atavistic horror of Muslims and a loathing of "Marxists", by which he meant anyone to the left of Genghis Khan.