PM sent, Retro
VERY depressed
by youngbro 91 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks for all the support JWN! This is real love! I am coming out of the darkness!
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Glad to hear it! Don't be surprised if the depression comes and goes. Mine was a rollercoaster ride... but that was before I came to JWN. There's still a big mourning/grieving/recovery process. It's all part of the healing and moving on process. You have my email addy, give me a holler if you need to talk. And before you ask... yes I have the exams done, yes I did well, and yes I should be working on scholarships and packing to move instead of hanging around here.
And if you didn't search for info on pyramidology, here's a couple of random links that make me chuckle about Chuck Rustle.
Tonight I asked to be taken off the TMS list. I feel a bit better.
That's great to here but be forewarned this is not going to be easy. You need to fortify yourself coming out of darkness is different for everyone. For some the darkness looms longer. I will repeat this you must fortify yourself. When Jesus said the truth will set you free he was right. You need to prove the truth about this religion to yourself. Become well informed. Question others here, READ, READ, READ.
Here are some suggestions :
Crisis of Cinscience by Ray Franz
Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steven Hassan
Captives of a Concept by Don Cameron
If you still wish to remain a Christian
Feel free to PM me
It's good to see you expressing these sentiments youngbro . . .
And yes . . . it is a bit of a journey . . . with some bumps and potholes in it. But my experience with severe clinical depression was that it was at it's worst immediately prior to, and following the exit. Once you get some distance on it . . . things do get very much better.
Follow discreetslaves advice and inform yourself thoroughly . . . that's the first stage in the journey
Sorry, I came in late Youngbro but you seem to be identifying where the problem lies. Chin up kiddo. we're all here for you!!
Who says so? Your Unky Punky says so!
Thanks!! And UNKY PUNKY!
Your're gonna make it, youngbro, and I'm so happy you chose to come here for support.
Don't give your mind time to be depressed. Read, read read. (Easier said than done, I know...)