@DJEggNog says . . .
Once @sizemik ridiculed God here as being either impotent or as being non-existent, one, when he wrote the following (in a different thread):
It also doesn't answer why we have Earthquakes, Tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanoes, forest fires, landslides, floods, epidemics, diseases, birth defects etc. These events have existed long before man can be accused of having a direct effect on climate etc . . . and are a natural consequence of the way life is configured.
DJ really . . . firstly, I'm not sure how this quote supports your claim that I "ridiculed God". If you want to trawl through my past comments and use them here in a different context . . . I'm sure you can be more creative than that. While you do that . . . consider this . . . questioning anothers perception of God is not the same as ridiculing God . . . come on man, this is a pretty sloppy misrepresentation . . . even by your low standards.
@DJEggNog then adds . . .
it is a lie for him to have described these things as being "a natural consequence of the way life is configured," for, in the beginning, everything that Jehovah made was perfect. These things he mentioned are the consequence of the tremendous weight of the waters of the global deluge that beset planet earth back in 2370 BC
You're desperate to call me a liar . . . I understand that, since I have already conclusively demonstrated that you have a profound lack of moral integrity in this area . . .
If, by your own declaration, "These things he mentioned are the consequence of the tremendous weight of the waters of the global deluge that beset planet earth back in 2370 BC" . . . then in what way are they not "a natural consequence of the way life is configured," thus making me the liar you have declared me to be? In fact, your admission supports fully the statement I originally made!
Are you working on your slandering skills now that your penchant for misrepresentation and lying have been exposed for all to see?