From Feb 15, 1928 Watchtower
Watchtower 2009 12/15 p24 par.20
Have You Found the Messiah?
20 Since 1914 we have been living in the period of Christ’s pa?rou?si′a, or presence. Although his presence as King of God’s Kingdom is invisible, it is obvious from the fulfillment of prophecies. (Rev. 6:2-8) Nevertheless, just like the first-century Jews, most people today ignore the evidence of the Messiah’s presence. They too want a political messiah or at least one who will work through human political rulers. You, though, came to know that Jesus is now reigning as King of God’s Kingdom. Were you not thrilled to find that out? Just like the first-century disciples, you were moved to proclaim: “We have found the Messiah.”
If one looks at what Watchtower 1928 par 24, there is no doubt that the same event taught today taking place in 1914 was taught to have occurred in 1874 as late as 1928!!!