@jwfacts: Prior to 1914 the Watchtower taught that the second coming was in 1874. Prove this by providing a quote from any Watchtower publication that teaches that Christ's second coming occurred in 1874. Until you should get around to producing such a quote, this statement of yours is a lie. @djeggnog
I provided a quote showing that it the teaching was that the second coming was in 1874.
"The second coming of the Lord, therefore, began in 1874; and that date and the years 1914 and 1918 are specially marked dates with reference to his coming. Prophecy can not be understood until it has been fulfilled or is in the course of fulfillment. From 1874 to 1914 the prophecy concerning the Lord's coming was being fulfilled and could be understood, and was understood, by those who were faithful to the Lord and who were watching the development of events, but not by others."? Creation 1927 This was also written before 1914. "Thus we found the time of our Lord's second advent clearly proven to be 1874 in October of that year, as shown in Vol. 11., chap. vi." .... the Jubilee Cycles show October 1874 to be the date of our Lord s return" The Time of the Harvest (1911ed)p.127 "While the time-prophecies thus point to and harmonize with 1874 as the date of our Lord s second presence, assuring us of the fact with mathematical precision, we find ourselves overwhelmed with evidence of another character; for certain peculiar signs, foretold by the Lord and the apostles and prophets, which were to precede his coming, are now clearly recognised as actually fulfilled. ... The cleansing of the sanctuary was also accomplished as predicted, and at a time sufficiently in advance of 1874 to make ready "a people prepared for the Lord" a people in devout expectancy of his coming" The Time of the Harvest (1911ed)p.129 "1874 as the exact date of our Lord s return" The Time of the Harvest (1911ed) p.306 "The second advent of our Lord in the end or harvest of the Gospel age, occurring in the fall of 1874, proves to be at a point of time exactly parallel to the time of his first advent, in the end of the Jewish age." The Time of the Harvest (1911ed)p.125 "... he would in reality assume the kingly office, power, etc., viz., in the spring of 1878, three and a half years after his second advent at the beginning of the harvest period, in the fall of 1874." The Time of the Harvest (1911ed)p.234