Would you want a child to stay with people that practice voodoo?
Depends on what I know about those people, dear JO (the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one!). Seriously. My people are from the south... in places were voodoo is a real religion. Actually, it's a gollymoffry of the religion of some of my ancestors with what they picked up in the "New World." Some of it's used for "good"... some for "bad." Depends on who you're dealing with. I personally don't believe in it, so it has no hold on ME, though... but, yeah, if those "people" were kind, loving, and had hearts generous enough to take in someone else's child (which, BTW, a LOT of the grandmothers who practice voodoo DO)... I'd say, sure!
Although good foster parents are not abundant, they are out there.
Yes. But I think the ratio of kids needing foster homes... and foster homes, let alone those with "good" foster parents... is balanced in the wrong direction.
IMO, weird off-the-wall suppressive, repressive, oppressive, mind-screwing religious practices and cults should be kept away from children.
And so should drugs, and guns, and racism, and molestation, and child pornography, and child trafficking, and child labor/slavery... and... and... and... But sometimes you have to go with what you got. Or, alternatively, return to state-run orphanages... which also come with no guarantee and a just as dicey history.
People that can provide food, clothing, shelter, love, education, and support can be located if the social workers are dedicated and hard-working.
I really am not sure it's THAT easy, dear one. I certainly believe that most social workers are NOT all that dedicated and hard-working. And those who are... are just as imperfect... and so subject to error as the rest of us (thus, sometimes place children in homes where they end up mutilated... or dead... vs. indoctrinated into a cult of primarily illiterate people who live in fear... of a lot of things... which they CAN walk away from once an adult. Like some here chose to do...).
Yes, some of those kids will miss out on Hallowe'en and Christmas. Some of them won't ever get to go to Disneyland or see "Harry Potter." Some won't see an "R" rated movie until they're 18 (yeah, right!)... and some will feel forced to marry at a ridiculously young age. Bad stuff, all. But I think that if it means a home for them... and takes them away from the drugs, violence, poverty, starvation, sickness, abandonment, abuse, etc., that they may already be experiencing... they won't mind too much.
Until they turn 14, that is. Then all bets are off... for foster, adopted, AND biologically raised kids.
Again, peace to you!
A slave of Christ,
SA, who has seem some hairy stuff in her life and while she understands that the JW experience as a child was bad for many, just thinks folks should keep it in perspective: a kid who's lost his/her parents to AIDS... or drugs... or prison... who has NO other means of care... yet, several younger siblings... won't care if the parents are somewhat religious fanatics.