You, personally, are always the exception to the rule,
I don't think so, dear JO (again, peace to you!). I mean, I would be lying (and so would everyone else) if I said that ALL JWs were/are "bad" PEOPLE. I wasn't... and being a JW never took precedence over my trying to be a "decent" person. When I read the verses about looking after the "fatherless boy" I took it to heart. And I knew other "sisters" who did, as well. Needless to say, most of us are no longer JWs... but we were at the time. (Although, thinking back on it, none of the husbands were JWs or elders/MSs, so maybe that played a part - I dunno...).
I think we'd all be more correct if we asked, "Should an overly fanatic, to the point of being mentally/emotionally/psychologically abusive JW be allowed to adopt or foster a child?" To which I would vehemently respond, "HECK, NO!" But I would make the same response as to a mentally/emotionally/psychologically abusive non-JW.
The point is, what is best for the child... NOW. At least as far as foster care is concerned and I'm not sure I'd think any different regarding adoption.
Again, some of you here were raised JWs, yes. And have/are reaping some very negative "benefits" from that. But I PROMISE you, every one of you... that being raised in a NON-JW home is not necessarily all peaches and cream EITHER. You can choose to blame your parents for your adult angsts and (self-perceived) deficiencies... but you're not alone. MOST people blame their parents in this way. JW and non-JW.
Parents can suck. Really. Regardless of what they believe... or do not believe.
Again, peace to you!
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,