"'New light' = new revealed 'truth.' Often it's been found that 'new light' is rehashed 'old light' that was temporarily discarded in favor of 'newer light' but which has then been discovered not to be 'light' after all. You follow? ;-)"
Haha, yeah I'm with ya... and like all things JW it's ridiculous. Truth is truth is truth! It never becomes not truth, a lie is always a lie, if YOU follow ;-)
"The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established"
Ah! yes! They have mentioned this to me before as if the flip flops are entirely justifiable because of it. But the scripture has nothing to do with doctrine changes when it's read in context, does it?
" Watch Tower publications also say that unfulfilled expectations are partly due to eagerness for God's Kingdom "
I've heard that one before, too! I could almost have bought it, until I researched it more and they were claiming them as definite prophecies. Thats when i knew God had nothing to do with the org, because there's a scripture about if something doesn't come to pass, the prophet is a liar. Plus, it makes the watchtower look no different to nutcases like Harold Camping. I've heard witnesses mocking him and his doomsday predictions, too. How ironic.
LOL punkofnice, i love the art. And it's true, every one of them is ALWAYS better than the last.
I'd just love to hear one of them say "It was the most boring shit I ever sat through."
"You should ask her if she can name three things she does not like about Jehovah's Witnesses. If she can't, she's in a cult."
That's such an excellent question. So far she has nothing but positive things to say. Even saying "If you're out in a restaurant, and there's a table of witnesses, they're always the happiest people in the room." Apparently no human on earth's happiness can compare to the happiness of a Jehovah's Witness.
"What did the Toes on a Statue mean?..
LOL, exactly. She said there wasn't enough time (what, in 3 days!?) for the speaker to go into it, but it was the weakened anglo american power. I brought up something i learned about revelation, implying the witnesses have it wrong, and she snapped "DON'T listen to other people! They don't even know the Bible."
Thanks so much for all the links, ziddina. Amazing how much to this corrupt organization there really is.
" Shove it in her face and make her feel GUILTY."
Yeah, i was considering telling her I forgive her for wasting my time, filling me with false hope, teaching me the lies of a religion I almost became emotionally attached to, that she hasn't even bothered to research on her own, figuring that should plant a seed. I did tell her I am going to read the book Crisis of Conscience. She said "don't waste your time, you know it's the truth." (she stresses "you know it's the truth" a lot) So i said "If it's the truth, it'll stand on it's own, and the book will be proven to be rubbish. So there's no harm in me reading it." She's always telling me i obviously don't trust Jehovah enough to look after me when I'm door knocking, since I haven't done it, so I said "If I'm wrong to read this book as you say and it puts me on the broad road to destruction, I'm going to trust that Jehovah will direct me back to the narrow road, that you say is you."
But most of the time when I talk to her, I feel like I'm trying to hold water in my hands. She has an answer for everything and for some reason i always come out looking & feeling like the stupid one.