You have to understand that lot of witnesses are actually sincere, but incredibly stupid.
She probably actually thinks that if you go god will bless you and you will miraculously feel better and well enough to attend.
That's cause these imbeciles sit in their seats throughout the entire convention and see the 105 year old lady in a wheelchair sitting in the disabled section and they figure that 'if she can do it, so can I' . . . but of course they don't see her being hauled off to the ER on a gurney during the afternoon session because she's a freeking century old with health problems and there's no divine help to keep her from falling apart during the convention.
Witnesses get all these stories of pioneers being pushed going around in iron lungs from door to door and think they're immortal so long as they try to do what the society tells them.
In short, when she says: "oh you'll feel so much better when you're there" She actually believes it. (and in fact if you were a religious person the adrenaline rush and exitement would very likely make you feel better for a while.)