steve2 you have taken the words right out of my mouth. Its something i have never understood properly. I guess its something they use to control them. Gives the elders more supierority. i dont know. Women cant wear trousers wtf! Someone should disassosiate themselves on this sole reason alone, for not being allowed to wear slacks. that would be a story.
Stupid suggestion from Study Conductor
by roxanesophia 125 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hah! Re-illuminator, thanks for posting that brochure in this thread - very funny!!
Not to drag this thread too far off topic, but...
If I ever were to visit Bethel, it would serve them right if I showed up in one of my SCA outfits... ["Society for Creative Anachronism" - a medieval research and recreators' group...]
Like this one:
Or maybe this one:
Zid the She-Devil
Oh my freaking that brochure about dressing for Bethel real or did someone on here Photoshop it??
The Illuminator:
Thanks for showing that brochure and how the religion wants people to dress to visit bethel. Let me explain why this makes me angry:
This "businesslike" look that they want people to have when visiting bethel and even going out in the public ministry is actually a facade and deception to give the impression to the unsuspecting public that JWs are "educated" and "career-oriented". This is far from the truth. They say they are being "dignified" but I think it is about something else entirely. When an unsuspecting person joins the religion, they soon find out that the religion does not believe in college or careers. This is such a big hoax perpetrated on the public, in part, I think, to attract individuals who DO have education and careers because if these persons suspected that the religion does not believe in material success, they would slam the door in the faces of the JWs! Because who the hell wants to join a group that pushes poverty???
I first became aware of this years ago in one of my lightbulb moments out in door-to-door with a well-dressed, well-spoken brother in his 40s. This man obviously gave the impression to the lady at home that he was a "successful" person, which flies in the face of what the reality is at most halls. Very few are successful and if they are, they are targeted and gossiped about. It is the idea of a false impression that I don't like.
(Roxannesophia: Not trying to take away from your original thread, but this is just another reason why you should run from this religion!)
Congrats to you for sticking to your guns and ending the study. No need to play into their guilt games and be miserable.
Why do people who visit Bethel need to bring their rolling luggage, and only one? Is the suggestion that they are moving in, taking a vow of poverty, and staying for a long time? I mean, wouldn't visitors be staying at a local NYC hotel?
Your study conductor and other JWs will continue to hound you as long as there is a glimmer of hope that you are interested.
They will visit your house unexpectedly, call you, e-mail, write letters etc.
The "only thing" they understand is if you tell them, "Please put me on the 'Do Not Call' list." They are told by WTS literature (aka the lawyers) to respect those words.
Sorry you lost some friends. But, were they really friends if they don't allow you to have a different thought?
"... This "businesslike" lookthat they want people to have when visiting bethel and even going out in the public ministry is actually a facade and deception to give the impression to the unsuspecting public that JWs are "educated" and "career-oriented". .... They say they are being "dignified" but I think it is about something else entirely. When an unsuspecting person joins the religion, they soon find out that the religion does not believe in college or careers. This is such a big hoax perpetrated on the public, in part, I think, to attract individuals who DO have education and careers because if these persons suspected that the religion does not believe in material success, they would slam the door in the faces of the JWs! Because who the hell wants to join a group that pushes poverty??? ..."
Ah, Long Hair Gal, THANK YOU for that insight!!!
I've NEVER percieved it quite like that!! You hit one out of the stadium on that one!!
This "businesslike" look that they want people to have when visiting bethel and even going out in the public ministry
is actually a facade and deception to give the impression to the unsuspecting public that JWs are "educated" and "career-oriented"
"I'm upset on one hand because I really did like some of the people I met."
I understand. There are a LOT of GOOD people inside that organization. But that doesn't make them any less misled. Focus on WHAT is being taught.....not how nice the people are that are there listening to the message.