Micheal the ArcAngel/Jesus the man

by plmkrzy 130 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yadirf


    Since you said that everything which was michael was put into the embryo that became jesus, when that body eventualy died, why would the spirit that was michael cease to exist?
    I said that his life or existence was transferred to the womb of Mary ... and there was no interruption of life in the process. Sorry, I said nothing of a "spirit" of which you speak.

    Can roman soldiers kill an angel? Isn't this what mt10:28 is talking about? Did god kill michael's spirit when the soldiers killed his body?
    The body which those Roman soldiers killed was human, not spirit/angelic. Michael's life was transferred into the womb of Mary as a human embryo, not in the same form/body which he had in heaven. When on earth, God’s only begotten son existed as a human not an angel. (Is that repetitious enough?)

    Matthew 10:28 simply means that if some man imagines that he has forever eliminated another person by killing that person, he has another think coming ... but NOT because the person killed possessed something that survives death. The Almighty God gave that person life, not the man that took it, and no man can deprive another person of what God has given. So a killer is a fool for thinking that the person killed is gone forever, since God will return the victim to life.


  • Englishman

    Michael is spelt "ae", not "ea". A good way to remember is that it is in line with the order of the 5 vowels, A, E, I, O, U.


    Michael. (Englishman)

    Truth exists;only falsehood has to be invented. -Georges Braque

  • Satanus


    Did michael have a soul? Was he a soul or was he a spirit?

    I said nothing of a "spirit" of which you speak.
    I know that. You have a problem using that word. You are one step away from an atheist. I demonstrated clearly that your description of what was transferred fits that word.


  • plmkrzy

    Thanks Englishman. I have to stop and think, did I put the a and the e in the right order, every time I spell that name.

  • aChristian


    You wrote: Such reasoning places limitations on God’s abilities.

    As I have told you twice already, I believe God could do anything, eventhings that do not make sense to me or things which seem impossible to me. However, as Christians we should believe that God does things in the way that the Bible says that He does them. And the Bible does not indicate that he does things in the way that you say He does them.

  • Yadirf


    Did michael have a soul? Was he a soul or was he a spirit?
    I said nothing of a "spirit" of which you speak.
    I know that. You have a problem using that word. You are one step away from an atheist. I demonstrated clearly that your description of what was transferred fits that word.
    He is a soul and spirit both. He is a soul because he embraces life, but he has a spirit body. And of course it was his life (soul) that was transferred into the womb of Mary.


  • ianao

    Damn friday, you are starting to sound like a catholic. Smells like spiritism to me.

  • Satanus


    God took his soul, but left a spirit carcass floating around in heaven? May i remind you of the question i asked.

    When god supposedly transferred him to marry, what did god not include?
    You replied
    His life or his being was all there was.
    You were very explicit that michaels life force was not transferred.

    I'm confused now. Maybe you could make two lists, one of what you think was transferred, and another of what you think wasn't. After that, maybe we could define terms. I really don't know what, in your opinion was transferred, other than... not much.


  • Lefty


    God took his soul, but left a spirit carcass floating around in heaven?
    You meant to say "God transferred his soul", didn't you? I think so, since "soul" equates with "life" and to say that "God took his soul" implies that God killed Michael, which you should know wasn't the case. Every soul has to have some sort of a body; I took it for granted that this was mutually understood. Also, do spirit creatures that assume earthly bodies leave their heavenly bodies "floating around in heaven"? What about those angels that come to earth and materialized bodies in Noah's day, did they leave their original bodies in the spirit realm somewhere?


  • Satanus


    Yes i meant transfer. I'm starting to feel like we are arguing over gnats. So, whatever. Catch ya later.


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