You Know,
Because years ago on the H20 forum when this issue was brought up by Alan Fraudbacker and others I simply pointed out that Jesus never said there would be an increase in earthquakes, only that there would be "earthquakes in one place after another." That doesn't necessarily equate to an increase in frequency or intensity.
Thanks for your reply, and the clarification on your words. But this begs the questions that Alan and others have raised: If, as you point out, Jesus' words should not be interpreted to mean a special increase in earthquakes, then just what is the point? Is it not meaningless? To say that the existence of earthquakes would signal the end-times implies that we should be able identify a time of NO earthquakes, as a contrast.
I didn't necessarily disagree with the Society. I simply pointed out what Jesus actually said. It is a rather trivial point as far as I'm concerned. I never even gave it a second thought. It's amazing to me some of the ridiculous things people stumble over.
Fair enough, but don't you agree that by pointing out what Jesus actually said, you were (unintentionally) publically disagreeing with the Society, who DID say that there WAS a measurable increase, and that this was proof of Christ's invisible presence? Won't this disagreement cause them to label you an apostate?
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but it doesn't matter at all if I think you're an apostate. And it doesn't matter if YOU think you're an apostate. What matters is that when the Society was preaching that there was a measurable increase in earthquakes as proof of the 1914 dating, and you were saying that this was not what Jesus said, you became an apostate in their eyes. It doesn't matter if you were, in fact, correct. It doesn't matter if they later changed their view and agreed with you. To disagree with the GB is to be an apostate. Period.
My advice to you would be to maintain your anonymity. If your identity is ever learned, your innocent words could lead to your disfellowshipping.
I agree with you wholeheartedly on the issue of stumbling over silly things. A good example is that the Governing Body will be stumbled mightily over a simple thing like someone disagreeing with their claims that there has been a measurable increase in earthquakes since 1914, and that this is proof of Christ's parousia. Again, guard your anonymity, or you'll see what happens when the GB is stumbled.
PS I really would like it if you would answer the questions about how these earthquakes can be a sign of anything, since there is nothing unique about them. Thanks again, for your response.