NEW LIGHT! Earthquakes-3-22-02 Awake!

by messenger 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • mommy

    Thanks Messenger for posting this article.

    LOL "And there's a scripture which says that in the last days, there would be people like me saying words like this. Go figure." I had another JW blow out with my mom the other day, I will spare everyone the details. But one of the things she said was, "Well the big A may not come for another 20 years." I acted suprised by this, and said No Way! The ones who saw 1914 will be dead by then. I was always taught, and preached to others that the generation who saw 1914 would not die until Armeggeddon was here. She tried to downplay it and said that even Jesus said he did not know the day or the hour and nobody should assume they know. Of course she refused to acknowledge that she was only proving my point as I told her that the org is just another false prophet by claiming and teaching the 1914 doctrine.

    Were we all really into it so bad that we gave up common sense and blindly followed? I was accused of being unreasonable, yet I was the person using reason in the conversation. Why can't they see that they are so wrong in their teaching? How many active Jw's in the future will not even be aware of the generation change doctrine in 1995? There are many things I was not aware of until after I left.

    BTW I had a few Jw's come to my door the other day, he read this last days doomstext, wanting me to agree that the end was here. I refused to give in to him and said that the things listed on the list have been here for ever, and as far as the attitudes of men, those are certain ones characteristics, and have not changed. He did't even want to discuss it further, he just wanted to get his brochure placed. Hmm I wonder if he will make a RV and bring this article

    When I leave, you will know I have been here

  • ozziepost

    Thanks for highlighting this for us, Messenger.

    This may prove to be another nail in the coffin of the 'generation' thing.


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • mikepence

    Posted this on

    Thanks, Messenger! Great work.

  • Hmmm
    How many active Jw's in the future will not even be aware of the generation change doctrine in 1995? There are many things I was not aware of until after I left.

    So true. A few months ago my mother tried to get me to go hear the COs talk on Sunday. She said there was going to be New Light (this is always presented as a good thing) about the 1914 Generation. I guess that Thursday the CO was giving a sneak preview of Sunday's talk. SIX years later the CO can still call it new light, and probably 90% of them had no clue.


  • Lindy

    Yeah, I opened my magazine the other day and saw this. I wanted to puke. How they can do this turn about and make it sound like it isn't, is way beyond me. I wonder how many of the older JW's got this and what they thought? Did they just dismiss it as something they didn't understand before or did it hit them between the eyes, like it hit me, and what will they do about it? It was something else indeed! Stuff like this just convinces me even more that I made the right decision to leave, and I am just so glad that my mother is not here to see it.

    As Always,

  • Derrick
    Because years ago on the H20 forum when this issue was brought up by Alan Fraudbacker and others I simply pointed out that Jesus never said there would be an increase in earthquakes, only that there would be "earthquakes in one place after another." That doesn't necessarily equate to an increase in frequency or intensity.

    I recall that you really did say that, back then. If anyone doubts it, the H2O archives from 1996 to 2001 are all archived. Any search of keywords "You Know earthquake" should find the old posting.

    It's rather curious they have adopted your view on this matter several years after you posted it. This seems to coincide with someone saying we will see them start to adopt "new light" in other areas also posted a few years ago.

    Perhaps they saved your postings, You Know, and really listened to what you had to say?


    To see a World in a Grain of Sand
    And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
    Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
    And Eternity in an hour.

    -- William Blake (Auguries of Innocence)

  • Sunnygal41

    This does not surprise me in the very least. And, mark my words, slowly but surely they will continue to debunk more and more information the "Society" has stubbornly printed in full knowledge that they were wrong! The Tower is slowly starting to Topple! YEAH!!!!

  • ffeidrik

    So what is the new thing on March 22 Awake?:

    *** w87 1/15 21-2 Earthquakes-Distress Upon Distress ***
    Many seismologists believe that earthquakes are no greater or more frequent now than they were in the past. Conversely, others conclude that our generation has experienced earthquakes more frequently than did previous ones. Based on available records, the 20th century does significantly overshadow the past in seismic activity. Publications of the Watch Tower Society have repeatedly called attention to this, highlighting the Biblical significance of earthquakes occurring since 1914.
    Records of earthquakes before 1914 are not complete, however. And earlier generations did not have scientific means of measurement that would permit us reliably to compare the magnitudes of earthquakes past and present. Does this mean that we cannot recognize the fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy?
    No, not at all. Jesus apparently foresaw that history would not record all pre-1914 quakes and that earlier generations would not have accurate seismological instruments, just as he foresaw the other circumstances of our time. Consequently, he did not word the prophecy in such a way that recognition of the fulfillment would require earthquake records from earlier centuries or instrument readings. <B>Jesus did not say that the number of earthquakes in “the last days” would be X times greater than the number during some earlier period, nor did he state that we would see the greatest earthquakes ever. (2 Timothy 3:1) He did not speak as a seismologist.
    Jesus focused on the human experience. Earthquakes were to be part of “a beginning of pangs of distress.” (Matthew 24:8) Distress is not measured by instruments. The travail of people is the ultimate measure of a calamity, including an earthquake.</B> For Jesus’ prophecy to be fulfilled, distress caused by earthquakes would have to be present in a significant way. Recognition of the earthquake feature of the prophecy is thus not dependent on the vagaries of human record-keeping or upon scientific measurements of energy released. Today’s reports of earthquakes graphically portray the dimensions of human distress resulting from seismic activity

  • dungbeetle

    As usual, a TROLL shoots themselves in the foot just like the Watchtower they support. While it's true they may have the APPEARANCE of hijacking a thread,


  • ffeidrik

    Excuse me please, i do not understand that english slang very well (actually i do not speak english very well), so i did not get that TROLL thing.
    I just wondered that maybe it is not "new light" at all in March 22 Awake because the same thing was printed in 87 Watchtower. What do you think about it?

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