I found out I've been accepted to the largest Christian college in the US located here in VA and then the ground shakes. WTF!!!
by Billzfan23 95 Replies latest jw friends
It must be the end or that’s how all those damn mountains were made…
No Room For George
Yeah, we just got a tremor. I can't state my location, other than saying I'm on the East Coast.
Spouse in Atlantic City right now. It was rocking there.
I hope everyone is safe. Be aware of possible aftershocks. :(
troubled mind
Hello , God is looking for Pat Robertson !
zoiks, no earth movement here on the west coast. At least until the Juan de Fuca fault gets all Jesus-ey and serves up the "big one".
I heard the cellular service in DC is out
Oh, erm...yeah, I wasn't talking about an earthquake. Ever read "For Whom the Bell Tolls"?
Edit: glad you're ok, sd-7! Sounds like things were shaking pretty good down there.
I heard the cellular service in DC is out.
It is probably sporadic. I am in text contact with someone in DC right now.