SD-7 glad to know you are safe.
by Billzfan23 95 Replies latest jw friends
At home in Queens today, I felt it, I was leaning over the tub rinsing something when I felt it, but thought it was my vertigo acting up so I stood up straight real quick so my head wouldn't start spinning, so in those few minutes before it broke on the news I'm saying that I didn't know in your old age you would also feel the effects of vertigo in your legs as well as your head.
So, I guess we all know what those a**hole JDubs are saying now !!
I wonder if all Kingdom Halls and WTS real estate were exempt from the tremors...
I wonder what the meeting attendance will be tonight?
Welcome to the club my friends . . . you can relax, it's only a baby. (unless it's a foreshock)
The cellular network is just experiencing high volume.
If you felt it, you can fill out a brief report for the USGS . . . it helps with advancing our knowledge
Earthquake Details
- This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.
Magnitude 5.9 Date-Time - Tuesday, August 23, 2011 at 17:51:04 UTC
- Tuesday, August 23, 2011 at 01:51:04 PM at epicenter
Location 37.881°N, 77.952°W Depth 0.1 km (~0.1 mile) (poorly constrained) Region VIRGINIA Distances - 14 km (9 miles) SSW (195°) from Mineral, VA
- 17 km (10 miles) SSE (165°) from Louisa, VA
- 23 km (14 miles) NE (52°) from Columbia, VA
- 58 km (36 miles) NW (312°) from Richmond, VA
- 141 km (88 miles) SW (216°) from Washington, DC
Location Uncertainty horizontal +/- 2.3 km (1.4 miles); depth +/- 3.1 km (1.9 miles) Parameters NST= 22, Nph= 23, Dmin=50 km, Rmss=0.44 sec, Gp= 79°,
M-type=centroid moment magnitude (Mw), Version=BSource Event ID se082311a - Did you feel it? Report shaking and damage at your location. You can also view a map displaying accumulated data from your report and others.
I felt it here in Wilmington NC.
My dishes were clinking together, my fridge was squeaking really loud, and my neighbor's couch moved. I keep expecting to see cracks in my ceilings! But then I'm being overly dramatic---I simply never felt anything like this before. I have a great deal more empathy for others that live through so much worse now---not that I didn't before---I understand the total loss of control. My house is 100 years old.
Here in NC I felt the shaking here in my computer room. I heard the windows rattling a little and felt the room viberating and thought it might be a helecopter above the house and went out to see what was there and nothing was out there. My neighbour called and said some things were falling off her shelves. The first time I ever felt one shake. Then I saw the news about the quake.
Ken P.
Ahhh zoiks...your reference sailed right on past me. Sigh...once again my deficient knowledge of classic literature is exposed (...unless 60s Hardy Boys is considered classic?) But no..haven't read that or much by Hemingway, just a few chapters of The Old Man and the Sea. However, I do enjoy the ear candy of the Metallica song of the same name.
(Edit: To answer...not lately, it was a dark and stormy night)