I should have mentioned that 1° = 4 minutes.
WT Nov. 1, 2011 (public) - When Was Ancient Jerusalem Destroyed - Part 2
by AnnOMaly 322 Replies latest watchtower bible
The seventy years of exile has been proven to be mis-understood by the WT, we have many threads on this on here, so that part of their "proof" has been blown out of the water.
Who do you trust an organisation who proved that working with years has always errors in it in the past (generation/1975) or Science who proof with mutiple sources and peer reviewed publication their findings. Dont use feelings go for the proof!
If the Organisation want to proof something else they can start in science the regular proces and give an try. I know they will not start to do this because they will fail for 100%.
Aussie Oz
I never understood it then, and i am even more bamboozled now.
And THAT is the purpose of the gobbledegook article being in the public edition. If it was in the study version it would be a total balls up. Can you imagine the poor conductor making sense of that? It is just too hard to grasp for most jws and may well provoke much research by the more studious ones. In the public edition, the jws will read paragraph one, speed read the rest and put it away with a ' well that's too deep for me' and a 'at least the governing body understand it'.
Any of the public that actually take this edition will see the article and not read it at all, it is MEANINGLESS to them. By the time they get past the sex questions they will likely toss the mag in the bin.
Thank goodness there are plenty of other things to prove the WT is a crock of shit without having to rely on this subject!
In the public edition, the jws will read paragraph one, speed read the rest and put it away with a ' well that's too deep for me' and a 'at least the governing
body understand it'.
Aussie, you have hit on what bothers me so much about this article. It's not the fact that they still cling to 607. It's the fact that they have put out these disengenuous articles basically to keep people from questioning too much. When I was first waking up to 'the truth', 607 was one area of question for me. The material that the WTS had put out up to that point was enough to slow down my exit. I had to re-read the stuff over and over again before I started to see the faulty reasoning and the holes in their arguments.
Most JWs will skim the article and assume that it's too deep for them, as you stated. The questioners and thinkers will probably at least be slowed down by the articles.
The WTS knows that all they have to do is perform a little sketchy amateur astronomy and the R&F will take their word over centuries of research and accumulated knowledge.
I find it much easier to discredit their entire "Gentile Times" prophesy by examining what was to happen at it's conclusion. 1. The confinement of Satan to the earth. Really? Not much different from the last 6,000 years of human history. Maybe he's tired or sleeping. 2. Destruction of all false religion. Seems to be doing just fine thank you. 3. Empowerment of the United Nations. Who? 4. World wide warning of impending doom within a generation. Could you explain that "generation" thing again? 4. Earthquakes in one place after another. All secular experts agree the frequency has not increased. So they can argue ancient history til they're blue in the face. When the above happens, call me.
"The WTS knows that all they have to do is perform a little sketchy amateur astronomy and the R&F will take their word over centuries of research and accumulated knowledge."
And sadly.....THAT is precisely why this religion will never die. When you have millions of people that are trained not to think for themselves....and those people breed and raise more people that are taught not to think for themselves. The cycle will just continue
R.H Sack's comments in the magazine were taken from the book "Images of Nebuchadnezzar - The Emergence of a Legend" written by Ronald Herbert Sack.
I have not yet read it
Of course any bit of information that the WTS can selectively use to support their own date of 607 will be used.
Anything not supportive will be disingenuous cast aside and not acknowledged.
The WTS. is a religion founded and established on segmented and particolored bullshit, nevertheless the people inside are
instructed to support the organization at all costs.
Since there is evidence of certain select people taken captive to Babylon from Jerusalem in 605 BCE, the length of 70 years of captivity,
is close to approximation. There is a probability that the writers or scribes ( Daniel ) used 70 being that 7 is a sacred number toward their beliefs.
What the WTS. has tripped up on though is this does not refer to the actual dating of the final destruction of the temple, which there is much calculable
evidence to support this specific date, from the bible and archaeological findings found in the ruins of ancient Babylon..