I am fascinated, and I would like to know more about the pre-adam days. Perhaps when you have the time, on another thread
I will see what I can do, dear Jay88 (peace to you!); although, I have posted SO much on this forum over the years... that I am SURE it's out there, somewhere. May I suggest you take a gander at what I've posted thus far? I will also look because I don't really want to take up board space with something already available. BUT... if neither of us (or someone else who might know) find anything, sure, I'll do a repost.
AGuest, I look forward to you pointing out these scriptures you mentioned. Very interesting.
No problem, dear PaulaP (peace to you!). If dear Nick (as always, peace to you!) believe it's okay, I'll do so here. If not, I'll put them on another thread... perhaps with the stuff for dear Jay... and post a link.
Just one thing I'd like to clarify - so what you are saying is Jesus is still communicating with you, and others today, in a literal way?
And you get this communication how exactly?
Well, the simple(r) explanation is mostly through my blood and bones (although not always; it can be outside, as well, and I will explain that in a sec). The less simple explanation is "through holy spirit" - which is God's blood (as well as His breath and semen/seed)... which is given to certain ones by Christ. He pours it out on one... and fills them with it. It permeates all the way into their bones... and so "cleanses" the inside of their vessel. This is so that God and Christ themselves can come and reside IN one, make their "abode" IN one... and so dwell IN one... because such one is now part of the "temple" of God. They are "living stones". If you recall the structure of the tabernacle/temple... the was a Holy (in which certain priests could enter)... and a MOST Holy (into which only the High Priest could enter). So reverse that: God, the MOST Holy... speaks to "Israel"... from above the Ark of the Covenant. It is the same today - He speaks from above the "Ark" of one's "covenant" with Him. Like then, however, He spoke THROUGH the High Priest. Same thing today: He speaks through His High Priest: Christ.
When Christ died, the "curtain" that separated the Holy from the MOST Holy rent in two because the place in the temple at JERUSALEM was no longer a MOST "sacred" place. The Spirit had left that place, however, and entered into Christ, when he rose from the Jordan. Just before Pentecost 30 CE, SOME of the spirit (breath) was blown on and placed in the Apostles. Starting with Pentecost... and since then... the rest of it (as blood) was "poured out" upon and placed in others.
NOW, such ones can enter into the MOST Holy and before the face of God themselves; however, they must STILL go through the Holy: Christ. There is NO other way to get into the spirit realm... legally. Yes, there are "illegal" ways to get in (which is how psychics, mediums, etc., do it)... but such ones are "breaking in" - they are not entering with permission. They are not going through the front "door", Christ.
Anyway, that blood... holy spirit... speaks. Actually, ALL blood speaks. Which is why the medical profession relies so heavily on what it "says". They "hear" what it says by reading the results of various tests. However, it literally speaks to the Most Holy One of Israel... and through it, He speaks to US. His blood bears witness in CHRIST... and through him... in US. And so it speaks.
It usually speaks softy, quietly, mildly, tenderly, lovingly... but quite audibly. But on occasion and under certain circumstances... one can hear it loud and clear... and outside of one's body. But it is the "ears" that are result of having GOD's blood in one's body... that gives such one the EARS to hear. That is what my Lord meant when he said that God had "prepared a body for him." That body was given ears, so as to hear even in the spirit realm.
My understanding was that Revelation was the end of the sacred writings
If, by "sacred writings" you mean the "scriptures," you are correct. If you mean Bible writings, then Lazarus' gospel account (erroneously attributed to a "John") was written last of that which is contained in the Bible canon. However, many things were written after the Revelation, indeed after the Bible compilation. That they didn't make it INTO the Bible does not negate their writing, existence, inspiration, or validity. Men compiled the Bible, dear one, not God or Christ.
but I presume you are saying that the "spirit of the truth" guides you into all things, teaches you other things that are not in the Bible?
Absolutely! Remember, it was prophesied that "in the last days... young men and women would prophesy." Whenever that occurs (whether previously, now, or in the future), we know such prophesies are NOT in the Bible canon... because there's NOTHING in there after Christ... from a woman. And we can't count the gospel of Mary... because it is an account, not a prophecy by her. Even so, given what I've heard and been shown, I totally understand why my Lord said there were things the disciples weren't able to bear "yet." Again, they would have had a very time hard with what John was given; however, his death and resurrection strengthened them to be ready for "anything." I mean, that was pretty big itself - what could top that?
Is this referenced anywhere in the Bible?
Along with the reference given by dear Awen (peace to you!) above, there is 1 John 2:26-69; Acts 2:170, 18; Joel 2:28, 29; Jeremiah 31:33, 34; John 16:13
Again, genuine questions. I'm intrigued, and even slightly taken aback. :-)
I perceive them as genuine, dear one... and sorry to have caught you off guard.
Again, peace to you!
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,