What is most of what we teach if not something we have learned from someone else?
Oh agreed. Its more of a giving credit where credit is due, rather than taking it for oneself. (I know you know I didn't come up with that, Nickolas - and I was teasing. But I also felt the need to clarify. Perhaps because for many, it is easier to give credit to the person adhering to the teaching, rather than to the One who taught it - Christ)
Adherence to me is doing something that I might not be disposed to doing otherwise. Like adhering to the speed limit while driving my E-type. If I had my druthers and the conditions were safe, I'd open her up, but instead I adhere to the speed limit. Turning the other cheek is not something one should do because it is mandated somewhere, is it?
I guess that depends. If you WANT to 'open her up' (slap back), then I guess you should adhere to the rule. I believe in the rule - turning the other cheek. But you better believe there are times when I don't want to follow it. It is THOSE times where I am following the teaching NOT because I want to, but because Christ asks and wants me to.