I thoroughly understand, many JW Dad's keep their kids isolated from to much healthy rough housing. My Dad didn't become a JW until I was in my late 40's.. Just to give you an idea. One time my brother and I were slugging it out in the garage, we were both in High School, my Dad came up to us, grabbed us both by the throat, picked us up off the ground clunked our heads together and threw us on the ground. Needless to say we never picked on the old man.
Theological Arguments, Human Realities
by AllTimeJeff 161 Replies latest jw friends
Golly, sizemik, I guess we could add hypocracy to my pathetic arrogance, if it makes you happy. Or we could just drop it now, as I see you are not in the least affected by the idea that your conversion as an adult to the JWs should possibly be taken to suggest any character defect of any kind whatever.
I get it: I don't know you and your special circumstances that led you to radically re-organize your entire life and knock on strangers' doors to tell them pernicious lies without bothering to twaddle over to the library and see if 607 is just a made up date or not. Certainly it says nothing about your intellectual rigor.
For that matter, insinuating yourself into a seven-page thread for the sole purpose of making personal and profane attacks shouldn't be taken as any sort of indicator about your character in any sort of negative way whatsoever. No, that's just totally rational and normal.
sizemik: Here's a suggestion . . . get someone to read your posts aloud back to you . . . and listen to a pompous arsehole before you go fuck yourself again.
OK. Are you thoroughly done now? Feel better after telling me to fuck myself twice? Or do you need a few more "internet tough" swings before you get right with yourself?
-- Oh, and you might want to check the urban dictionary definition of "ponce," before you go further out of your head. And the crack about the UK spelling of "asshole" was a little joke. I know, it's tough to catch that sort of thing when your eyes are rolled all the way back in your head.
Ok, so you're not quite done yet. Gotcha. Keep at it, I can tell this is helping.
sulla, do you ever wonder why people react bad to you? is it really something which only happend here?
Check on theologues-dialogue it took a high-brow approach.
Well, seems I've hit a nerve.
You're surprised?
Your blanket statement and generalization insulted a lot of people you are not qualified to judge. That is the arrogance. You also don't seem to want to acknowledge that some people turned to the JW's because of what they could see wrong in the rest of 'Christianity', and the JW's seemed to have rid themselves of some of those things. On the surface, at least. The irony is that the people here also LEFT once they saw those things as well.
Can you not see how your judgment is 'unjust' and also arrogant, without any qualifications... especially since you have now heard from two people who joined as adults, and who are telling you that you are off in your 'assessment'?
Well, let's see. Arrogant and stupid JWs on other sites seem to have a problem with what I say. One wonders if arrogant and stupid ex-JWs have a problem with what I say here. Tough to know without more data, really.
But, and this is just a theory, I think that JWs attract the arrogant and the intellectually lazy in disproportionate numbers. One of the ideas I have is that, merely coming to a point where you leave the JWs does not change the underlying personality. If so, then ex-JWs would also tend to be intellectually lazy and arrogant in similarly disproportionate numbers.
Suppose that's true for a minute. I think the easiest thing for an ex-JW to do after leaving is to fall into a sort of hipster atheism. JWs are notoriously anti-Christian to begin with and we are all living in a aggressively secular society. Hell, I did the same thing for a while, thinking that the failure of the JWs was also an indictment of religion in general. But nothing could be easier, right? It allows you to put what you feel is maximum distance between yourself and the old, discredited ways (much like, after a bad breakup, one might insist that the next relationship will be with someone as opposite as possible). It makes few demands of your time or intellect. It enables you to indulge in your antipathy for Catholics, which you had before anyhow. What's not to like?
But, you know, this might be the sort of board that really just wants to chat about how much the JWs suck and how great we all are that we are doing that anymore. We pretty clearly don't want to hear that joining the JWs also points out a flaw in our character that still needs to be overcome. When we hear that, we make it a point to come tell me to fuck myself. Twice. But maybe that's my problem, too?
not one of them
could be bothered to twaddle off to the library to find out if 607 BC was accurate or not.I think I see what you are hung up on, so allow me to clear something up. 607 BC thing was NEVER part of my study. Subject never even came up. Never even heard about it until I joined this site. Presented to me was that the JW's predicted 'nation against nation', 1914 for WWI, which is pretty powerful... when you don't know what else they said, and they certainly don't tell you.
So was I guilty of being too trusting and naive? Yes. I don't apologize for that though. That is on those who deceived. I made a mistake, but who doesn't? Now if you want to call that intellectually lazy, then by all means, do so. But look first to yourself. You are being as arrogant as you are accusing others of being. You are pointing your fingers, and that is what people (who you are judging, such as Size and myself), are taking offense at. Because you only think you know.
They gave up family relationships, they gave up proper education for their children, they spent countless hours preaching lies door to door.
More generalizations.
If not being interested to examine a crucial teaching from a group that demands radical change in your entire life and imposes enormous costs on your family isn't intellectual laziness, what in hell would be?
Like I said, never even heard about that 'crucial' teaching until I joined this site - AFTER- I had decided not to get baptized after all.
That said, Tec, and with all respect, would you categorize you failure to investigate the 607 BC claim as intellectual curiosity or intellectual laziness?
Can't research what you never heard of. So I can't answer that question.
Sulla's style varies a little from site to site, just a little. Its fun to read and imagine the body language. Did you notice the body language styles of Romney, Perry, and Paul. Perry with his Hot Bag of Air (HBA) approach tries to manhandle the opponent, Paul almost jumped out of his skin when Perry tried to put his arm on him, Romney stood with chest out and waved off Perry's attempt to grab his arm. Same here. (HBAs) have their style but you can tell they are HBAs because they can't find the proper traction to spit and cuss. You ever see someone spit poorly and it dribbles down the chin or they spit into the wind and it hits them in the face, well sometimes they show up to Debates.
Well, Tec, I never said that every single JW was arrogant or intellectually lazy, so if that's not the case in your experience, then everything's fine. For that matter, I don't know that I've ever claimed that I was not arrogant or prideful.
What I have said is that converting to the JWs is a signal of those sorts of attitudes. And what I have said I mean by that is that JWs attract a disproprotionate number of intellectually lazy and arrogant people. Please take the time to read that twice: I literally cannot make the point any clearer than that, ok?