i have read many books on reincarnation recently and no longer fear death , or the death of loved ones anymore , there are so many childrens stories of past lifes , children who have no knowledge of reincarnation etc that have come out with things like "mummy you were not my mummy last time i lived were you ? " a 3 year old child coming out with such a thing is amazing and the reason i started looking into it was because my own 7 year old casually told me that" we have all been here before mummy but we just forget " i asked who told her that and she replied "nobody told me mummy i just know " it all makes sense now and is much more fair than jws "truth " any one else here looked into reincarnation ?
after 14 years out i think ive finally found "the truth" reincarnation !
by looloo 28 Replies latest jw friends
I've looked but haven't found more than anecdotal evidence. Unfortunately, the stronger claims have mainly been debunked or, like the Dalai Lama, are in the hands of people who have bias because of having so much to gain from it being true. I tend to go by the idea that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and a 7 year talking about past lives is, too me, more likely to be due to subconscious media influence or an active imagination that anything supernatural.
EDIT: Accidental double post.
Congratulations looloo!
It's the only thing that makes sense.....
Nobody plays the eternal destruction card like Christians do.... thanks mainly to the Vatican..... and ironally reincarnation is heavily supported in their own scriptures.
Which type of reincarnation are you referring to?
it is true that even christianity origanally believed in reincarnation untill it was eventually classed as herrasy to believe it ! apparently it is the oldest belief system and according to the books ive read heaven is home and we come back to home after each lifetime which we choose to do . life on the other side by sylvia browne is a great read .
Jack C.
Seems to me that the JW doctrine actually supports this idea. You are resurrected in a recreated body that wasn't yours originally. Sounds like reincarnation to me.
it is true that even christianity origanally believed in reincarnation untill it was eventually classed as herrasy to believe it !
Since the first Christains were jewish and since Jews of the 1st century did NOT beleive in reincarnation, what do you base this on?
Jews of the 1st century did NOT beleive in reincarnation
According to who, besides the Bible?
Philo Judeas and Josephus both wrote as if reincarnation was the common belief at the time. Early church fathers like Origen, Tertullian and Clement agreed with them.
Also, there's plenty in the Book of Contradictions for it to refute itself:
The doctrines of the bodily resurrection ( lifer after lifer after death) and that of the spirit living on in both the OT and NT are NOT what is commonly know as "reincarnation".
Neither Jews or Christians believed that one would come back from the dead as anyone other than one was before they died.
Resurrection and reincarnation are NOT the samething.
While Christ explains that the final resurrection our bodies will be very different (immortal basically), there is no reason to believe He means we come back as another person with some of the same memories or we come back as a different type of creature.
As for the Elijah thing, lets not forget that the apsotles saw Christ, and the spirits of Elijah and Moses on the Mountain, so quite obviously John the Baptist could NOT have been the re-incarnation of Elijah in the way we are looking at reincarnation.
Granted that the transfiguration happend after the death of John, still...its a bit of a reach.