i feel a little guilty

by jerome 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kep

    Outlaw and larc are on the right track.
    You got to find out for yourself buddy.
    Get on in there, have yourself a study, enjoy all the fellowship they have for you.
    If you like it stay there.
    No loss to us mate, we've all been there.
    You want answers to your questions about them.. then go to the source, make your mind then.


    Hey jerome,larc is right you need some first hand experience with the jws.That way you can make the right choice.I`ll bet once you get there your never going to want to leave.Remember to abide by all their rules.That means no comming to boards like this.You don`t want to end up like Yo-yo,Friday,You know,Fred or NYT.Their never going to make it into the new system,they don`t follow the rules.Now hurry up call your girl friend,She`ll probably start a bible study with you tonight.Take lurk with you,that way you can save yourself and yourself..LOL...OUTLAW

  • gumby

    I don't think were in kansas anymore toto. I thinks we're in dem dare ozarks!

    Jerome: Quote. so much of what they do is bible based and that is good"
    Have you learned ALL of the things they have done and still do that is not bible based?

    1.Thousands have died from their wrong teachings
    2. Families are torn apart by them.
    3.They recrute 1000's into this destructful sect monthly

    Yes they teach some good things... so does the Boyscouts, the Cubscouts, the Catholics, the Red cross, the United Nations, and anybody else that helps others.

    Jesus said HE was the way, the truth, and the light......not an organization that doesen't even believe in what he taught.

    He taught we can't earn salvation as the JW's believe.It's a gift. You don't pay for gifts.......you show respect for them.

    I would suggest learning about the JW's from a source who has found them in the wrong then learn from the JW's if it is true......then you decide. Trust me.....they ARE in the wrong!!!!!!!!!

  • jerome

    From what you just told me and from what i know of jws first hand could you possibly imagine a jw telling me

    "Jerome in your search you should examine all the possibilites
    and examine all the relevant information so you can come to the correct decision even go examine the apostate literature so that you can see what the truth really is."

    this is a crazy crazy world.

    the bible is a two edged sword
    wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!

  • larc


    the jehova witness who said that is a apostate

    don't listen

    talk to yr gf

    she can help you

  • DakotaRed
    Jerome -- have you ever felt guilty about not telling a jw that they should research what they believe that it may not be what it seems. for passing up a chance to probally save a life in a way.

    For me, Not at all. I feel that all are entitled to their beliefs, whatever they may be. Just becuase I disagree with them or that someone blindly follows another, does make it my obligation to save them. However, I am available to discuss whatever someone wishes to discuss (provided it is a subject I am versed on. Otherwise, I will listen and add my cents as needed).

    i did this also because.

    believe it or not.

    i cant believe i am going to say this.

    i am not 100% sure that watchtower is not Gods organisation.

    I am sure that much of this feeling is from conditioning. I too have trouble blocking out what they say. Some of their belifs are not all that wrong. But, as far as I am concerned, they are not God's sole channel of communication. They flip flop way too much and it is the most unloving sect I have seen. As far as I am concerned, no single religion is God's mouthpiece on earth today.

    [i feel this obgligation to listen to them so i cant shut them out all together]

    to you this may seem very INSANE after spending time here

    but so much of what they do is bible based and that is good initself

    All religions follow what they see as Bible teaching. If you are really interested in following their beliefs, why not look into the Bible Students? They share much the same beliefs, but without the restrictive lack of love doctrines. Your stance sounds no more crazy to me than any other. We all have to follow our own hearts and live life as we see it.

    its also because i see that jws truly beleive what they the watchtower teach.
    Here again, so does every other religion. I urge you to delve deeper ito the Bible itself and learn it for yourself. As far as I have seen, every religion there is interprets the Bible their way and condemns all the other views.

    i did it also because i dont exactly want to broadcast my disapproval of the soiety when i am involved with one.

    suppose she would remember me? then her congregation would find out that i am anti-watchtower.

    This is called fence straddling. Not all that uncommon. Sooner or later, though, you will have to decide which side of the fence you wish to be on and move to it. Once you make your decision, then you will need the courage to stand by your convictions, regardless of what others say or think.

    if you have the RIGHT jesus you are RIGHT forever

    but if you have the WRONG jesus you are WRONG forever.

    Remember, God delegated judging to Jesus and they read hearts, not church attendance or time slips. I feel some of the most important words Jesus ever uttered go largely ignored. That being his true disciples would be none by their love.

    We get so wrapped up in doctrinal issues and discussions and trying to prove ourselves right and the other wrong, that we lose focus on loving each other.

    Since God created us all so differently, thinking and reasoning differently, seeing things through life so differently, don't you think it reasonable that He know that we all believe differently? Why would He creat man all so different and inspire the writing of a book for us to live by and do it so that it is so vague most of the time and easily translated so differently, and then hold us to such a strict standard of interpretation that most religions teach?

    I just can't buy that it is so strict, yet so vague. The main constant I see is to simply love one another. Accept Christ as the Son of God and love each other. What could be simpler?

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • jerome


    i know that no matter what you do some people will never like you

    but still

    how can you possibly think that i am more than one person on this board.

    are you just trying to provoke a response?
    [if you are this will work as long as i let it
    i could just ignore you yah know]

    have you actually been following my posts?


    yourself and yourself


    how can i most respectfully put this?

    isnt this getting a litte old.
    i have much reason to believe that you cant be that paranoid?
    [could you?]

    well well well...

    i am a troll

    a watchtower spy come here to infeltrate this message board [that is open here for everyone to see]

    i use spritual warfare to to justify my lying and multiple usernames and reincarnations
    so that i can someday bring you back to the flock where you so propperly belong and close this sight which is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord Jehovah.

    nothing i say is of revelance and can be trusted because i am an active jehovah witness and will stop of nothing to glorify jehovahs name.

    nothing you say can infulence me in my battel to uphold the intregty of Gods organisation so when you tell me about
    1914 being wrong
    child molestation
    bad talk the governing body
    the un scandal
    Preparing for Child custody cases
    [well you get the idea]

    that i will not listen because i am a faith full servant of jehovha

    [oh by the way i am also lurk and anyother person new to this board ]


    or I AM WHO I SAY I AM


    when two theroies explain a phenomenon equally well choose the simplest one.

    the bible is a two edged sword
    wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!

  • flower


    you just dont 'get' it right now. are you just reading posts here or are you reading other sites, books, articles, the societys literature, listening to tapes, ect ect ect? you cant learn the truth from this site alone. there is no way. if you really want to know the truth you are going to have to research for yourself. i know how you feel i was there believe me..but there is no way to research and read and really look into the org without coming to the conclusion that they are nothing but evil, murderous, sick mind controlling cult.



    Hey jerome,most times you are an illiterate idiot.Once you were well spoken.Sometimes you don`t know anything about WBTS,in your last post you know more than an honest newbie.Now you ask me to choose the simplist answer for your behavior,OK..TROLL!!...OUTLAW

  • flower

    actually after reading many of your posts including the ones on this thread it doesnt sound to me like you know much about jehovahs witnesses to begin with. how long have you been with this girl anyway? is she your first experience with the jw religion? i suggest you check out a few books on 'what do jehovahs witnesses believe' from the library or book store and maybe read some of the posts here about what life as a jw really means.

    i mean geez, you think they do good? they destroy peoples lives thats all they do!


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