i feel a little guilty

by jerome 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc


    this not a joke

    said you want to see both side

    i agree so you need to study with your gf

  • jerome

    heaven thanks that was helpfull.

    they always give biblically based explanitions for what they do

    this is what confuses me.

    i know that the name of the lord has been used for many things but

    how could this happen.

    i can only explain how this could happen

    if they are not from GOD as they claim

    then they are of the devil.

    only the enemy could think up something like this.

    the bible is a two edged sword
    wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!

  • garybuss

    I know a man who wears a pin on his cap that says, "We are not alone.".

    He claims he was abducted into a flying saucer, stripped, and examined for three days by doctors from Mars. I seriously doubt that happened to him but I can not prove 100% that it never happened.

    That I am not sure that this extraordinary claim is not true, that I can not prove it is is false, is to miss the point. It is up to the one making the claim to prove the claim is true with objective proof. If I accept some claim without any proof, I deserve the consequences.

    I have seen no proof to support any religious claims let alone those of the Watch Tower Corporation. I keep waiting . . . .


  • jerome

    i still havent heard from OUTLAW

    the bible is a two edged sword
    wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!

  • larc

    talk to gf

    she will tell why charity no good

    study with her to find what is good

  • jerome

    how can somebody use the bible so much and not do things which seem to be obviously help Godly.

    isnt helping someone in need a Godly act.

    so then how can they use the bible to prove that something like that is bad.
    [i KNOW they will have the most logical biblically anwser ready there for me]

    dident the bible have a group of people like that?

    the bible is a two edged sword
    wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!


    HA-HA-HA!Hey larc,you crack me up.I agree with you,jerome should go for it.Bible studies,meetings,door to door,the works!..>>>Hey jerome,larc is well respected on this board.I would take his advice seriosly,go for it.You won`t be able to come back on this board,but thats OK.Your doing the right thing.Call your girlfriend right now and don`t look back...OUTLAW

  • lurk

    what you say jerome is what i feel a bit, im not in a position to tell other JWs there wrong cause i havent read enough yet to do that, but i have got doubts about them now.at the same time ive got this fear of making mistake. i hate being wrong and feel that im throwing all the good stuff thy gave me in their faces( there has ben good stuff). i feel basically like traitor.today i had a meeting with an oversear he was sooo nice i felt soooo bad.

    your trying to do the right thing and make the right choice , mostly we makes mistakes and learn from them , thats a tall order especially with the emotions going on, but theres one thing someone here convinced me off.....jehovah wouldnt condem you for looking for the truth of this matter, after all doesnt the bible teach he is the god of truth.truth doesnt need to aoided if its the truth so give your self time and be kinder to your slef.
    good luck to you lurk


    Hey lurk,go with jerome....I guess you don`t have much of a choice..LOL...OUTLAW

  • jerome

    OUTLAW is that all you have to say.

    i thought this would be the time for you to say something incredibly moving, relevant and intellegent.

    all you had to say was leave?

    i dont know if i misintrepted what you said somewhat but
    really was that all?

    the bible is a two edged sword
    wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!

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